The Rules
- Night posting IS NOT ALLOWED - as soon as a lynch has been achieved posting will cease until the morning flip.
- Roles are not indicative of alignment.
- You may reveal the name of your character or your flavour, although this could be a terrible mistake.
- There is no color coding.
- You may vote for yourself - with no repercussions.
- Everything pertaining to this game should be contained to this thread.
- DO NOT discuss anything about the game outside this thread, on social media or in PMs.
- DO NOT monitor, quote and/or screenshot private messages for game use.
- Always paraphrase your role PM and/or your results given in PM.
- You will be contracted every night via private message - in regards to night actions if you have any.
- Don't try to break the game.
- Using OGI to break the game will not be tolerated, as has been updated in the constitution.
- Don't ask for a player to be replaced or mod-killed.
- Excessive Flaming will be dealt with a three strike policy.
- Do not interact with the game after death.
Game Style
Traditional Setup - This game will prominently feature an uninformed majority against an informed minority. [with bastard elements at times]
Closed Setup - No information about the setup of this game will be revealed in the game thread until the game has ended.
Majority Lynch - The player who achieves the needed amount of votes for a majority to occur.
Day start - This game will begin with a Day phase.
Phase length - The game will be divided into cycles with each cycle consisting of 3 phases, a day phase, a dusk phase and a night phase. The day phase will last 24 hours, the dusk phase will last until the ‘Day End Post and the night phase will last a maximum of 24 hours or until all actions have been sent in.
Claiming - Claiming is Allowed.
Post requirements - A minimum of 5 posts per day is required - otherwise you will be given penalties.
Sample Role

You are Cake [Alignment: Town]
Vanilla Townies
Welcome! You are a Vanilla Townie in this game.
Ability: You have a vote during the day phase.
Victory Condition: Town wins when the mafia faction is eliminated, and one member of the town is still alive.
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