Chapter 782: The path of the Supreme Commander

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
I think you're onto something.

It's especially interesting regarding Qilin being symbol of prosperity and connected to great rulers. Shibashou refused to show up during king Toujou's rule, but it seem like his perspective changed once Riboku brought him prince Ka. I wonder if prince Ka was the reason why he decided to step on the battlefield after years of ignoring the capitol.
Bro…that’s a great point.

Shibashou was summoned by the “false” King Toujou,

And then by the “failed” King Riboku who never made it to kingship,

And finally by the “true” King Ousen who successfully becomes China’s final “King.” Lol

Oh man. It just keeps getting thiccer and thiccer.
The situation isn't desperate just yet.

Just because Ou Sen's vassals are terrified for their lord, doesn't mean the situation is as dire as they perceive it.

Ou Sen has 30,000 troops of his own and another 20,000 coming to assist him on the enemy's flank.

Now is the time for him to show his mettle.
Who? Ouhon and the HSU?

That would leave Ousen open to get pincered by Enkan’s 70k lol.

The situation is that bad. Or at least it will quickly get that bad if the tides aren’t turned.
The 20K Kan Jou is leading.

They've not slowed down SBS's army but 20K troops = 20K troops, and Kan Jou used to be part of the Ou Sen Army. I wouldn't be surprised to see that come up.
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