[FNZ] Super Role Madness World Of Warcraft: Legion

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Reality Slash was used on @Emil / Archmage of the Kirin Tor

“Sacrifice. To the young it means to change, but to the wizened it heralds an end. I know both meanings better than anyone else.”

[Passive – Arcane Insight] Each night, Khadgar gains insight into the magical energies around him. He receives a list of players who visited him during the night, with the exception of those who attempt to kill him.

[Passive – Aegis of Dalaran] Khadgar is surrounded by a protective barrier that grants him protection from kills . This passive ability allows Khadgar to survive the first kill targetting him in the game.

[Passive – Wisdom of the Council] Khadgar is well-versed in the politics of Dalaran. He automatically gains access to the private town council chat, allowing him to share information and strategies with one other player of his choosing.

[Passive –Magical Resonance] Khadgar's presence disrupts magical abilities used against him. Any investigative role targeting Khadgar will result a failed result.

[Passive – Extreme Vigilance] Khagar's experience has rendered him extremely vigilant, he always is one step ahead of everyone else. Therefore his actions always go first.

[Active –Teleportation] Khadgar can choose to teleport to another player each night. By doing so he will learn of the people that visited your target that night.

[Active –Polymorph] Khadgar can choose to polymorph a player, preventing them from using their abilities during the night.

[Active –Time Stop] Khadgar can temporarily freeze time, preventing any lynching or voting from occurring for that day phase. If used at the beginning of the phase this will skip the phase, if used near the end the lynch will be prevented that phase.( 1 shot) Usable day 4 or later. Non-refillable.

[Active –Guardian Shield] During the day Khadgar may choose to shield a target protecting them the following night from kills.(3 shot)

[Active –Spell Reflection] Khadgar can choose a player to reflect all night actions targeted at them back onto the original attackers, with the exception of kills.

[Active –Council of 5] Once during the game Khadgar may call upon an emergency meeting of 5 players, including him, to discuss the ongoing matters of the game. While in that meeting the players are immune to being killed that night. Only usable Day 5 or later.

[Active –Arcane Intervention] Locked.

Legendary Item:

[Item - Attiesh] In the event of your death send a raven that will publicly announce your latest night's Teleportation results.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Azeroth. By any means necessary!

Sending him back to the grave.​
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