Chapter 783: A Childish Play

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Seika army is build different. Can't believe they casually tanked that flanking attack like nothing happened.

Riboku bamboozled HSU hard. I wonder what is his next move. Would be interesting if he sneaked his main army and flanked the other part of HSU that is currently fighting the Gi'an general.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
How in the world did the 20K attack just do nothing lmao
Seika army is build different. Can't believe they casually tanked that flanking attack like nothing happened.
Three Great Heaven level warfare lmfao. Anybody who still has Renpa above Shibashou in a purely brute strength sense, this is really the last chance to hop aboard the Seika wagon lmfao. This is really the first army we’ve seen in the history of Kingdom than can just ignore a pincer like this lol. Now sure we’ve seen plenty of other armies that can do things Shibashou’s army probably can’t, but this is where the Seika army will shine, brute strength and resiliency. Like a Tiger almost. Lol
Seika army is build different. Can't believe they casually tanked that flanking attack like nothing happened.

Riboku bamboozled HSU hard. I wonder what is his next move. Would be interesting if he sneaked his main army and flanked the other part of HSU that is currently fighting the Gi'an general.
Then HSU with Shin can goes a attacks Zhao Center, who is the Seika Army.
Then HSU with Shin can goes a attacks Zhao Center, who is the Seika Army.
I'm not sure Shin would go for the offense if he knew Kyoukai and most of his unit are in danger. If anything he would go back to support them.

Besides, Zhao's reserve are 40k, so they can always split just in case.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Hara on crack, this is the most absurd “feat” in the manga
More bizarre than Kyoukai reviving Shin lmfaaao
How does an army take no damage from a flank attack that matches its size
And just think, this was the Seika army mid-charge when they should be extra vulnerable lol.

Literally no clue what tactics are supposed to stop these guys
Shin needs to redeem himself.

It's been 12 since he first faced Ri Boku in war. He should've known something was up during before the chase really got away.

That he allowed himself to believe Ri Boku could be within reach so easily is really a blunder, and I think reflective of his judgment being impaired by his fixation on Ri Boku, which I fully believe has only worsened with the loss of Kan Ki.

Here's to seeing return to the action with flash like Goku arriving to save the day.
To be fair, it's still not as ridiculus as Moubu in Bayou blowing away full encirclement with an army of peasants.
Moubu's group was small at the time, the peasants were already dead at that point. Tou also helped open a path, they all just went suicidal after Ouki's demise

This flank attack defies all laws of physics, it is so retarded I have no words to explain lmao
If the entire Seika army was comprised of 20k Shibashous they'd have still taken damage or got halted for some time. This is the purest crack on the market

Individual physical strength has always been highlighted as a far cry from reality, but armies of this scale is a different matter

Slowly but surely I am convinced you are a Kyoukai fan slowly trying to convince people she is not as awful as we know she is. Lol
Kyoukai is the best written character obviously

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
If the entire Seika army was comprised of 20k Shibashous they'd have still taken damage or got halted for some time.
Not necessarily. Flank attacks are only effective when armies are specifically lined in a certain way that makes defending from them difficult.

Shibashou sent Koumai to brace his army for the flank attack so this really isn’t unbelievable. Shin stopping Keisha’s flank on Duke Hyou is similar to this. This isn’t really an unbelievable moment tactically speaking lol. Moubu’s old men breaking out of a complete encirclement was much crazier than this and even that wasn’t that unbelievable.