do people wanna downplay Yamato?
P1 ans Ulti have better df than Queen... Yes
That means Queen would be in worser shape if he got hit by g3 or Yamato
King and Queen portrayal places them really below Cracker:
Authority disrespected ected by WhoWho and Sasaki
Have lesser fruits than P1 and Ulti
Need to use Kaido's name to order flyers
Called scrubs by Sasaki
Have no CoC
No top tier, no high tier hype them to be powerful.
Yeah... People still think Queen and King are above Cracker?
Oda always makes the best YCs special :
Kata is special because of his df, FS, CoC and Awakening
Marco and Ace strongest WBP because of their fruits and Ace had CoC
The only reason King is special is due to his race, nothing about his df or haki makes him strong lol