[FNZ] Super Role Madness World Of Warcraft: Legion

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The End and the Beginning
I think we should lynch Orca today. He's my best pick for the last Blue Mafia, and Magic should be dead following today.

I poisoned Gad last night but Yellow killed him so w/e.

Vote: Orca
The night of Heroes

The Burning Legion Mafia attempted to kill ??? but failed

The Ebon Blade has killed @Dr. Watson / L'Ura

The Void and Naga Mafia has killed @Naomi / Alleria Windrunner

Teleport was used on ???
Polymorph was used on ???
Spell Reflection was used on ???
Shadow Of Corruption was activated
Hightmare Incursion was used on ???
Twin Blades of The Deceiver was used on ???
Glaive Strike was used on ???
Chaos Rend was used on ???
Demonic Knowledge was used on ???
Blind Fury was used on ???
Frostaber Bard was used ???
Burning Glaive was used on ???
Poison Spit was used on ???
Fordragon's Resolve was activated
Master Healer was used on ???
Unholy Renewal was used on ???
Breath of Kyranastrasz was used on ???
Call of Kyranastrasz was activated
Undead Commander was activated
Dragon Killer Lance was used on ???
Poison Soaked Daggers were used on ???
Shadowstep was used on ???
Healing Light was used on ???
Meteor was used on ???,??? and ???
Aegis of Agrammar was activated
Target Sighted was used on ???
Body Grab was used on ???
Thrall's Balls They're Everywhere was used on ???,??? and ???
Fel Infusion was used on ???
Telepathy was activated
Ressourceful was activated
Manipulative Schemer was used on ???
Bolster was activated
Paladin Body guard was used on ???,??? and ???
Temporary leave was activated
Valarjar was used on ???
Memories of the Fallen was used on ???
Blighted Arrow was used on ???
Banshee Scream was used on ???
Precision Shot was used to kill ??? but failed
Serpent's Grasp was used on ???
Abyssal Manipulation was used on ???
Hydromancy was used on ???
Tsunami was activated
Resistance Movement was used on ???
Red was used on ???
Arcane Breath was used on ???
Soulcage was used on ??? and ???
Turn Back time was used to bring @Ultra back as a treestump
Night Well was used on ???
Titanic Smash was used to Ultra Kill @hime / Odyn

@BakiDou / Darion Mograine came back to life.

Day 5 has begun
You have 48 hours to discuss

1- @RayanOO
2- @The Orca
3- @Flower Died Night 3 Thalyssra Revived Day 4 Thalyssra
4- @CakeWalker
5- @Yoho
6- @Indigo
7- @Mr. Ultracool Replaced by @Jesse Pinkman
8- @hime
9- @Polar Bear
10- @Seatonnes Replaced by @DoflaMihawk
11- @Random Asshole
12- @RippedCal
13- @Pot Goblin Lynched Day 3 Elissande
14- @Mr. Reloaded Died Day 2 Illidan Stormrage Brought back Day 2 Illidan Stormrage
15- @Red Night
16- @Sallucion Died Night 2 Prophet Velen Revived Day 3 Prophet Velen
17- @Luka
18- @Emil Killed Day 1 Khadgar Revived Day 1 Khadgar
19- @Ratchet
20- @BakiDou Died Night 3 Mograine
21- @Michelle Killed Night 1 Kalecgos Revived Day 1 Kalecgos
22- @Peroroncino Replaced by @Tyler Herro Died Day 4 Zuraal Delayed Survival until day 5
23- @T-Pein™
24- @Gadonkadonk
25- @Orwellian
26- @Cubey Died Night 2 Hemet Nesingwary
27- @LethalBanks Lynched Day 1 Turalyon Revived Day 3 Turalyon
28- @Alwaysmind
29- @MangoSenpai Killed Night 1 Occuleth
30- @Kiku Lady Hatecoil Lynched Day 4
31- @Zolo Repladed by @Ultra Killed Day 1 Rehgar Earthfury Revived Day 1 Rehgar Earthfury Died Day 4
32- @Neeko Warlord Parjesh Killed Day 1 Revived Day 2 Game Removed Day 2 Came back Day 4
33- @Lindltaylor
34- @Xadlin Lord Killed Day 2 Aggramar Brought Back Day 2 Aggramar Dead Day 4
35- @Naomi
36- @Grammaton
37- @Lord Melkor
This writeup was edited.


The End and the Beginning
You're such obvious scum Polar, you immediately jump on that as if you have something when it makes no sense - I can't be lying about something I wouldn't have any knowledge on.
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