Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1104 Spoilers Discussion

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No Luffy went Gear 5 against Lucci to mess around.

Luffy went Gear 5 after starting in Gear 4 only after he absolutely had to.

The contexts are completely different.
Luffy didn’t even try to use ACoC in G4. Maybe he didn’t even use ACoA either (hard to tell since Loda gave Ryuo no visual indicators)
Pew isnt giving all the details no, but he's correct. For example, Kizaru attacking the Strawhats formerly trapped by Saturn also probably implies he's attacking Luffy too who is probably eating. So it likely Sanji and Franky are protecting him while eats/recovers, but we get nothing if Luffy is back up defending himself too.

He could have been far worse and left out that last line about Saturn recovering lol
IMO Saturn recovering is the easiest thing to call for what going happen in manga even without info.
You knew it was going to happen no matter the damage .
Snakeman can't hang with Kizaru, so why would Sanji be able to? Sanji's a scrub who got aura diffed.
Y'all are just chatting right now :catrude:

It's time for the Warrior of Science to show his full potential, don't care if he loses but we can't have him doing nothing after that flexing so much against the Seraphim, no more delay
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