[FNZ] Super Role Madness Blood Arena

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Death of The Outcast

@Orwellian / Gul'Dan has been lynched​

Why do you fight? You can do nothing here but die.”

[Passive –Fel Mastery] Gul'dan's mastery over fel magic makes him immune to all harmful effects.

[Passive – Outcast] Gul'dan is an outcast of his tribe, not many want to associate with him. Thus he will require one less vote to be lynched.

[Passive – The Skull of Gul'dan] Redacted.

[Active – Felguards] Gul'dan may call upon his Felguards to take hold of a player, jailing them. While doing so Gul'Dan may interrogate his victim through an anonymous PM, Gul'dan may ask them to drink a fel-infused concoction. If the player accepts they will become blood lusted by demonic energies and will have their abilities and role be used at random for the following cycle. If the player refuses they will be removed from the game for a cycle. [2-Shot]

[Active – Bolster] Gul'dan has managed to get thousands of orcs to drink the demon blood and follow his bidding, he may use his fel magic to empower an orc at random. This will add a +1 vote power to a random Orc in the game for a phase. After the phase ends Gul'dan will know 3 abilities from said Orc role.

[Active – Fel Fire] Gul'dan may target a player and sear through their flesh with raging Fel Fire, this will rolecrush them for a phase. If Gul'dan targets the same player again they will be burned and slowly die out for the following 2 cycles if not healed. [4-Shot]

[Active – Fel Shroud] Guldan can shroud himself in fel magic, concealing himself and becoming immune to watching and tracking abilities. [2-Shot]

[Active – Tomb of Sargeras] Gul'dan may open the Tomb Of Sargeras, unleashing multitudes of demons upon his enemies. He may target up to 5 players and roleblock them as well as prevent them from getting items from exploration. [2-Shot]

[Active – Power Siphon] Target a player at night and siphon their power, if they die you have a 25% chance of gaining one of their abilities as a one shot.

[Active – Summon Felhound] Summon a Felhound to do your bidding, the beast will track a player's movements and learn who they visited. At the end of the night, you will learn the role of the player you tracked.

[Active – Soulstone] Gul'dan can use a soul stone on a fellow Mafia member, giving them a one-time limited revive of 3 phases if they are killed during the night. Cannot give it to himself. (1 shot) Non-refillable.

[Active – Dark Portal] Gul'dan may summon a portal and link two players together, whatever happens to one player happens to the other. Usable day 5 or later. [1-Shot] Non-refillable.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Burning Legion Mafia

The remaining 4 players may go back to the main thread​

1- @RayanOO
2- @The Orca
3- @Flower Died Night 3 Thalyssra Revived Day 4 Thalyssra
4- @CakeWalker
5- @Yoho
6- @Indigo
7- @Mr. Ultracool Replaced by @Jesse Pinkman
8- @hime Killed Night 4 Odyn
9- @Polar Bear
10- @Seatonnes Replaced by @DoflaMihawk
11- @Random Asshole
12- @RippedCal Banished Day 5 Sargeras
13- @Pot Goblin Lynched Day 3 Elissande
14- @Mr. Reloaded Died Day 2 Illidan Stormrage Brought back Day 2 Illidan Stormrage
15- @Red Night Xavius Died Day 5
16- @Sallucion Died Night 2 Prophet Velen Revived Day 3 Prophet Velen
17- @Luka
18- @Emil Killed Day 1 Khadgar Revived Day 1 Khadgar
19- @Ratchet
20- @BakiDou Died Night 3 Mograine
21- @Michelle Killed Night 1 Kalecgos Revived Day 1 Kalecgos
22- @Peroroncino Replaced by @Tyler Herro Died Day 4 Zuraal Delayed Survival until day 5 Died Day 5
23- @T-Pein™
24- @Gadonkadonk Replaced by @Dr. Watson / L'Ura Died Night 4
25- @Orwellian
26- @Cubey Died Night 2 Hemet Nesingwary
27- @LethalBanks Lynched Day 1 Turalyon Revived Day 3 Turalyon
28- @Alwaysmind Killed Day 5 Eitrigg
29- @MangoSenpai Killed Night 1 Occuleth Revived Day 5
30- @Kiku Lady Hatecoil Lynched Day 4
31- @Zolo Repladed by @Ultra Killed Day 1 Rehgar Earthfury Revived Day 1 Rehgar Earthfury Died Day 4 Revived Day 5
32- @Neeko Warlord Parjesh Killed Day 1 Revived Day 2 Game Removed Day 2 Came back Day 4
33- @Lindltaylor
34- @Xadlin Lord Killed Day 2 Aggramar Brought Back Day 2 Aggramar Dead Day 4
35- @Naomi Died Night 4 Alleria Windrunner
36- @Grammaton
37- @Lord Melkor
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