Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1104 Spoilers Discussion

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Now you’re just making shit up
Luffy wasn’t even trying vs lucci to the point where he didn’t even use haki on his named attacks and even fell asleep during a barrage of attacks from lucci

he definitely didn’t use full speed and Sanji is 150x’s faster than Zoro. Oda said it and even showed it when sanji went invisible for almost a minute. King can only stay invisible for a second btw
Lanji went invisible because of his dna awakening. It's not a surprise that King ragdolled Lanji when they fought because King is just that much faster and stronger than Lanji.

Luffy himself said to Zoro that he went all out against Lucci, so...:pepecroc:
Lanji has never shown any speed even close to Zoro, tbh. Lanji got consistently tagged by Queen, Zoro had to contend against King and is now fighting off Lucci who is as fast as G5 Luffy.
sanji is faster than zoro
zoro's speed comes in spurts (select attacks)
sanji's is most times more consistent ( movement speed) and with the germa buff last arc its a no brainer.
Luffy 1 shotted Lizaru after fighting Zoros superior Lucci + Seraphim + Lizaru getting help from laser defences X2 + protecting Vegapunks and soaking free attacks. Cope harder. If it was a pure 1v1 between Lucci and Loro, then Lucci would've low diffed Zoro 5 chapters ago loool
dude you're the one that is coping harder here bucko, tf do you mean by one shot him? he was still concious while luffy was a shrivelled up piece of leaf.
Where are all the Luffy is still down and out gang? You were so loud before the full summary


Yet again proof spoiler providers are Luffy haters and Zolo meat riders
Things got even worse for Luffy bro. 1 It is confirmed that Kizaru defeated Goofy being mentally broken and insecure. 2 Goofy was fed by someone and taken away from the battlefield (or he ran away and left his friends scared of Kizaru).

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.

Though either way I still think it was Caribou taking him to safety, at least to get another ride

I was thinkin maybe it's him and bbp wanting to kidnap Luffy but they wouldn't have fed him if they were imo
Aye pragmatically, it makes sense for Caribou to help Luffy like he did at Wano, hes seen Luffys track record and thus momumental, record, unheard of succeess, hes an absolute pioneer, one of a kind and Caribou knows he will be safe if he sticks with him and stays in his good books.

With all the 100 Marine ships and thus all the VAs, Saturn, Kizaru, CP0, whatever else, this is the smartest option for him, he can definitely trust the SHs far more than the BBP too. Unless he is working for the BBP but as you said, it wouldn't make sense for the BBP to feed Luffy unless Lafitte or BB has some kind of master plan that needs Luffy healthy and thus ideally alive at least too?

Idk why Oda is still keeping us in the dark with the BBP and Caribou this whole time but they're gonna do something major sooner or later definitely, its just a matter of when but the wait is purely agonising now lol.

All this missed potential with Devon and Lafitte causing HELL with the Among Us/traitor storyline we had earlier on and also all the chaos of the Buster Call on steroids and Saturn and Kizaru running rampage on Egghead atm, it's extremely strange to not see the BBP taking full advantage of this right now, especally as they relish in causing and being part of anarchy ofc.
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