I'm seeing the same hypocrisy on both sides.
Momo attacks Green Bull and burns him.
Admiral fans: "Green Bull will be fine and will easily recover from that attack."
Scabbards hurt Kaido left and right.
Yonko fans: "Kaido will be fine and will easily get back up like it's nothing."
Kuma puches Saturn and Franky pierces Saturn with his radical beam.
Yonko and Admiral fans: "Saturn is a bum! What a mid fighter! He is so weak and pathetic!"
Momo attacks Green Bull and burns him.
Admiral fans: "Green Bull will be fine and will easily recover from that attack."
Scabbards hurt Kaido left and right.
Yonko fans: "Kaido will be fine and will easily get back up like it's nothing."
Kuma puches Saturn and Franky pierces Saturn with his radical beam.
Yonko and Admiral fans: "Saturn is a bum! What a mid fighter! He is so weak and pathetic!"