General & Others Among The 5 who gets the most HATE?


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At this point, Zoro fans are picking wars with almost every fandom out there (no shame in it) and hence Zoro and associated characters also get hate. Mihawk being the only dream tied character automatically generates a lot more hate because him being placed where Zoro fans are pushing him to be placed shatters a lot of the conventional power scaling takes. Even a few Zoro fans are not ready to place Mihawk above Roger. But slowly the realization is creeping up and people are afraid that their fav is going to be the next victim to fall below Mihawk in power scaling.

Most fans earlier would have been happy to see Mihawk at YC1 or YC1+ level, then they dreamed more and wanted him to be Yonko level but going by the narrative and current indications, Mihawk is even above Yonko level. And where once people were happy to accept Roger as the strongest, they are not so sure anymore, the one character whose placement in the charts was the most secure is now being challenged. I remember in my early days here at WorstGen that I was probably the first one to argue that Mihawk is indeed stronger than or at the very least equal to Roger and not many if any were saying similar things. But now you see more and more threads of how Mihawk is indeed higher up the ladder.

Of the big fanbases Mihawk only used to have haters from the Shanks and Sanji fans (Zoro association) but it has spread to Marines and Yonkos and Luffy fanbase too. Nobody is safe.
At this point, Zoro fans are picking wars with almost every fandom out there (no shame in it) and hence Zoro and associated characters also get hate. Mihawk being the only dream tied character automatically generates a lot more hate because him being placed where Zoro fans are pushing him to be placed shatters a lot of the conventional power scaling takes. Even a few Zoro fans are not ready to place Mihawk above Roger. But slowly the realization is creeping up and people are afraid that their fav is going to be the next victim to fall below Mihawk in power scaling.

Most fans earlier would have been happy to see Mihawk at YC1 or YC1+ level, then they dreamed more and wanted him to be Yonko level but going by the narrative and current indications, Mihawk is even above Yonko level. And where once people were happy to accept Roger as the strongest, they are not so sure anymore, the one character whose placement in the charts was the most secure is now being challenged. I remember in my early days here at WorstGen that I was probably the first one to argue that Mihawk is indeed stronger than or at the very least equal to Roger and not many if any were saying similar things. But now you see more and more threads of how Mihawk is indeed higher up the ladder.

Of the big fanbases Mihawk only used to have haters from the Shanks and Sanji fans (Zoro association) but it has spread to Marines and Yonkos and Luffy fanbase too. Nobody is safe.
I find it funny because some folks agree that Shanks is = or even >= to Roger yet Mihawk has to be beneath both of them for no reason
I find it funny because some folks agree that Shanks is = or even >= to Roger yet Mihawk has to be beneath both of them for no reason
Seriously cant understand this, the most generally logical fans stumble here, they can't place Mihawk above Roger or even Shanks for some reason. I guess this is due to how they perceive that like every Shonen OP must follow the same logic of MC and his inspirations must always be the strongest when that is just not the case for OP. Oda won't let Luffy be weaker than anybody else EOS but that doesn't mean he won't have somebody equal too. As more and more things come to public knowledge people will start accepting Zoro's placement EOS in terms of power scaling. Just recently we learned why Oda designed Zoro to be a 3 Sword Style swordsman, even after this if people can't understand where Zoro is headed EOS and where his dream (WSS - Mihawk) is to be placed then they are just idiots.

Oda: Musashi Miyamoto was the greatest swordsman (best fighter in Japanese culture)
Oda: I will make Zoro greater by giving him 3 Sword Style (1 more than Musashi's 2 Sword Style)
Oda: The dream of Zoro is to be WSS ever (surpassing everyone before him)
Oda: Zoro will achieve this dream by beating previous WSS - Mihawk

Retards: Mihawk is weaker than Roger and Shanks and Shiryu
Seriously cant understand this, the most generally logical fans stumble here, they can't place Mihawk above Roger or even Shanks for some reason. I guess this is due to how they perceive that like every Shonen OP must follow the same logic of MC and his inspirations must always be the strongest when that is just not the case for OP. Oda won't let Luffy be weaker than anybody else EOS but that doesn't mean he won't have somebody equal too. As more and more things come to public knowledge people will start accepting Zoro's placement EOS in terms of power scaling. Just recently we learned why Oda designed Zoro to be a 3 Sword Style swordsman, even after this if people can't understand where Zoro is headed EOS and where his dream (WSS - Mihawk) is to be placed then they are just idiots.

Oda: Musashi Miyamoto was the greatest swordsman (best fighter in Japanese culture)
Oda: I will make Zoro greater by giving him 3 Sword Style (1 more than Musashi's 2 Sword Style)
Oda: The dream of Zoro is to be WSS ever (surpassing everyone before him)
Oda: Zoro will achieve this dream by beating previous WSS - Mihawk

Retards: Mihawk is weaker than Roger and Shanks and Shiryu
We just have to wait calmly because Oda is going for the 3 pointer with Mihawk. The OP community will never recover from the Shock
Seriously cant understand this, the most generally logical fans stumble here, they can't place Mihawk above Roger or even Shanks for some reason. I guess this is due to how they perceive that like every Shonen OP must follow the same logic of MC and his inspirations must always be the strongest when that is just not the case for OP. Oda won't let Luffy be weaker than anybody else EOS but that doesn't mean he won't have somebody equal too. As more and more things come to public knowledge people will start accepting Zoro's placement EOS in terms of power scaling. Just recently we learned why Oda designed Zoro to be a 3 Sword Style swordsman, even after this if people can't understand where Zoro is headed EOS and where his dream (WSS - Mihawk) is to be placed then they are just idiots.

Oda: Musashi Miyamoto was the greatest swordsman (best fighter in Japanese culture)
Oda: I will make Zoro greater by giving him 3 Sword Style (1 more than Musashi's 2 Sword Style)
Oda: The dream of Zoro is to be WSS ever (surpassing everyone before him)
Oda: Zoro will achieve this dream by beating previous WSS - Mihawk

Retards: Mihawk is weaker than Roger and Shanks and Shiryu
Liryu is not even above magellan, the take that he is above Mihawk befundles me to this day
Liryu is not even above magellan, the take that he is above Mihawk befundles me to this day
It's the staple with BB and his goons.

They're supposedly a wall that can't be broken until Strawhats in final or penultimate war. We get narratives and statements alluding to their power (DF-less Shiryuu equal to Magellan, BB above old Ray, BB above Luffy by narrative).
But their on screen showing and energy is underwhelming, if not outright pathetic.
His mere design and being mc's dad had alot of backups from the vast op community.....
He got hate yeah?? And he also got tons of backup from Zbois too and there's bunch of independent fans who's backing him up due to his portrayal alone. The positivity outshines the hater by huge margin

It's between Kid and BM
They've got the least fans to begin with,
...........they infact needs more help due to the mass slandering from various community.
It's the staple with BB and his goons.

They're supposedly a wall that can't be broken until Strawhats in final or penultimate war. We get narratives and statements alluding to their power (DF-less Shiryuu equal to Magellan, BB above old Ray, BB above Luffy by narrative).
But their on screen showing and energy is underwhelming, if not outright pathetic.
BB depiction I like, he always wins, no matter how we want to put it.
A coward, cunning, powerful bastard. The taker of zero Ls since the start of One Piece, which is funny.
He got a W against the WG, WB, Shanks, Hancock, the Marines.
Absolute unit.
His crew though, is so far pathetic. Even Aokiji once he joined it has been nerfed.
An old man Garp can take Aokiji and multiple commanders including the above mentioned Liryu, and some zealots wanted to pass that as a W for Lyriu when he stabbed Garp.

Lyriu needs a power up or something, because even his fruit is pathetic, Absalom levels.
I wish he got Jozu fruit.

His mere design and being mc's dad had alot of backups from the vast op community.....
He got hate yeah?? And he also got tons of backup from Zbois too and there's bunch of independent fans who's backing him up due to his portrayal alone. The positivity outshines the hater by huge margin

It's between Kid and BM
They've got the least fans to begin with,
...........they infact needs more help due to the mass slandering from various community.
Big Meme went from "nothing can hurt her skin" to "bombs kill her".
Biggest meme.
Kidd we like. He's not one of my favs, but one of my favs supernovas for sure.
Big mom by far. The character was amazing before and wano made her into a mockery.
Sanji is just banter or retards speaking so it don't matter.
Kidd does not even deserve hate. Shit character is just shit.
Dragon is not hated. Most people just mock him because he don't do anything.
Mihawk is not hated. Plenty of people love this fraud. They only put this shit character in a pedestal because of zoro. Otherwise he would be forgotten.
Yeah, you get both extremes here.

Mihawk/Zoro gets more hate here simply cause the other major factions join up in the slander lmao

Honestly, even tho there isn't much going on for Mihawk, Mihawk > Roger is a possibility depending on when Mihawk falls, how the narrative of black blade is handled etc.
But Zoro will never be stronger than Luffy, it's obvious shounen logic
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Even you, a Zoro/Mihawk hater, admit that Mihawk probably gets the most hate out of those mentioned here.

There is no playing victim here, simple acknowledgement of the reality of agenda wars in this forum.
Acknowledging that Mihawk gets alot of hate is not an issue and neither do I hate Mihawk/Zoro.

The Mihawk hate is a product of Swordfans who make nonsensical claims, beef with every fandom which in turns generates "haters".
Mihawk had the most dedicated hate and talked the most even tho he isnt in the related topic or he appear on screen.
While kidd is just mid he has annoying trait that most people disliked and got worst treatment in manga, so people just hate kid and slander him and move one simple as that but not as much mihawk that people created dedicated thread every week
This forum literally gets spammed with Mihawk wank threads downplaying other characters but your eyes are closed off to that.


World's Strongest Swordsman
Acknowledging that Mihawk gets alot of hate is not an issue and neither do I hate Mihawk/Zoro.

The Mihawk hate is a product of Swordfans who make nonsensical claims, beef with every fandom which in turns generates "haters".

This forum literally gets spammed with Mihawk wank threads downplaying other characters but your eyes are closed off to that.
This is cope from a hater. You get bodied when you check the facts that haters make zoro and mihawk threads more than anyone
This is cope from a hater. You get bodied when you check the facts that haters make zoro and mihawk threads more than anyone
Share the "facts" that you have. Just in the last few weeks alone there has been crap ton of Mihawk wank threads alone not to mention this forum is probably like 70% or more Swordsfans who writes some random Sword fanfic essay every other week.