Future Events Egghead's Bustercall: Why it's way worse than Ohara or Enies Lobby, and clearing up misinformation

CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
I've seen way too many posts talking about the Straw Hats beating the Buster Call, and the Mother Flame being destroyed, so I wanted to clear these misconceptions up.


1. This Buster Call is huge compared to a normal Buster Call and the Straw Hats cannot defeat it, they have to flee

2. The Mother Flame is most likely in the Labophase and safe from the Buster Call. Since the Labophase is both on Sky Clouds and protected by the lasers from the Frontier Dome, the Marines can destroy the lower half of Egghead Island without destroying the Labophase, the Mother Flame, Punk Records, or York, Saturn's three objectives. The Buster Call was a great idea by Saturn.

1. This is the greatest military bombardment upon an island we have seen in this series

Keep in mind that at Marineford, Whitebeard was trying to save Ace, not destroy Marineford. The Marines have now been ordered to destroy Egghead Island.

Why is the attack on Egghead the greatest military bombardment upon an island we have seen in the series?

This is what a normal Buster Call looks like:

5 Vice Admirals
10 Huge Battleships

While I believe the ships used in Enies Lobby were larger than the ones in Ohara, that's what Robin faced twice in the past. Keep in mind that only Robin, and those who escaped Enies Lobby, have survived the destructive force of a Buster Call.

This is what Egghead's Buster Call looks like:

50 Pacifista Mark III's, which can neutralize Devil Fruit users
100+ ships, 20 of which are Buster Call grade large battleships (so, double what a Buster Call would normally have in 10). These ships are also much larger than the ones used in Ohara.
30,000 Marines
9 Vice Admirals (nearly double the amount in a Buster Call)
1 Navy Admiral, Kizaru
1 Gorosei, Saturn

The Straw Hats are fucked if they actually try to fight this. Franky said it best:

"Escaping the island is our only objective!"

This is not a force the Straw Hats can beat. Especially with CP0 and Blackbeard Pirates lingering.

2. As long as the Mother Flame is on the Labophase, the section on Sky Clouds, the Buster Call can destroy the bottom half of the island without destroying the Mother Flame, York, or Punk Records. Also, the Labophase is protected by the Frontier Dome still.

The Mother Flame, York, and Punk Records are all in the floating, sky portion of Egghead Island, the Labophase. Not sure the battleships even CAN reach their shots up there, but even if they could, the Frontier Dome is still active. As of now, the only combatant the Marines have who can reach the Labophase is still Kizaru since he can phase through the lasers of the Frontier Dome.

The Marines can't even attack the Labophase as long as the Frontier Dome is active and protecting the upper half of Egghead's architecture. Cannon balls are NOT magically going through a laser grid, that's ridiculous. The Labophase is still very well protected.

So, as long as the Mother Flame is in the Labophase and secured by the Frontier Dome, Saturn shouldn't have to worry about damaging the Mother Flame, York, or Punk Records, his three objectives.

But, how would Saturn know where the Mother Flame is?

Rob Lucci got him the information hours ago, sending the Mother Flame's location to Kizaru, who then handed the info over to Saturn:

The Straw Hats, Vegapunk, and Bonney refusing to bind Lucci is one of the dumbest things that's ever happened in this manga, but, whatever, here we are.

Saturn's decision to blow up the bottom half of Egghead means he knows the Mother Flame is in the Labophase protected by the Frontier Dome. So, Saturn's taking out as many problems as he can with a Buster Call, before sending up Kizaru to help Lucci clean up the Labophase.

The Gorosei are horrible at making long distance decisions, when they have to rely of third parties to do things for them.

Saturn on Egghead has shown himself to be very intelligent in terms of tricking and trapping his prey, very much so like the spider he is.

The Straw Hats have no ability to fend off a Buster Call, and the Frontier Dome and height of the Labophase are protecting the three objectives Saturn wants to obtain, York, the Mother Flame, and Punk Records.

The current wildcards here are the Blackbeard Pirates.

The Straw Hats win condition now is reliant on either a Kuma teleport, or another force arriving to aid them.

This could be the Straw Hat Grand Fleet, possibly Dragon if the scene we saw recently was a flashback and not in present time, Fujitora and Smoker, or MADS, since Buckingham Stuffy (the hotter one, the short one with the wrinkles and horrible personality) and Marco, as well as Caesar and Judge, all wanted to see Vegapunk. We also know that the Ancient Robot is going to do something on Egghead soon, possibly fighting the Buster Call.

Since Kuma is out of commission, expect some secondary force to arrive to disrupt the Buster Call, since HOLY FUCK people don't realized how fucked the Straw Hats are.

This fleet has 2x as many battleships as a normal Buster Call, ALONG WITH ANOTHER 100 SHIPS Egghead is going to be obliterated by cannonfire unless something happens soon.

Shoutout to the guy on Reddit I saw suggesting Gear 5 Luffy would turn the entire Egghead Island into rubber and bounce the whole Buster Call back at the Marines, LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
People are even underselling the Enies Lobby Buster Call which the SHs barely survived through plot convenience
A BC of this magnitude would need a fleet of ships to fight against. And unless the Grand Fleet magically appears, the SHs needs to gtfo asap
I'm hoping this leads to the Marine Civil War I've been craving.

Fuji and Smoker are both Vegapunk stans, they know that murdering Vegapunk isn't justice, and both know Luffy would never kill him or hold him hostage.

If the Marines just let Vegapunk die like this I'll give up any hope that they'll stand up for justice when it matters. Ohara was some rando scientists the Marines didn't know well.

The Marines know Vegapunk is a good guy who wants to use science to make humanity and the world a better, more peaceful place. Vegapunk was the cornerstone behind the Seraphim, which were meant to replace the Warlords.

The Marines are trying to murder one of the most beloved people on the planet.
I'm hoping this leads to the Marine Civil War I've been craving.

Fuji and Smoker are both Vegapunk stans, they know that murdering Vegapunk isn't justice, and both know Luffy would never kill him or hold him hostage.

If the Marines just let Vegapunk die like this I'll give up any hope that they'll stand up for justice when it matters. Ohara was some rando scientists the Marines didn't know well.

The Marines know Vegapunk is a good guy who wants to use science to make humanity and the world a better, more peaceful place. Vegapunk was the cornerstone behind the Seraphim, which were meant to replace the Warlords.

The Marines are trying to murder one of the most beloved people on the planet.
Hmm maybe not here immediately, but I expect a visible rift in the Marines post Egghead.


Welcome to the House of Hope
So, that's the problem with these shounens.

When you have characters doing kamehamehas, flying around, slicing mountains, and deflecting cannon balls, something like "a few ships shooting at them" doesn't hold the weight that it should.

Despite the fact that, narratively, a massive bombardment on the island IS a big deal, we literally JUST HAD an instance when the WG used a secret weapon to completely wipe an island from the map and Oda managed to do a BIG ASS death fakeout of not just Sabo, but a bunch of civilians as well who were treated initially as casualties.

So...I WANNA feel like the Buster Call is a big deal, but simply having "more ships" is not cutting it right now. It's just nothing more than another "time bomb", or "birdcage", or "onigashima is gonna land".
50 Pacifista Mark III's, which can neutralize Devil Fruit users
100+ ships, 20 of which are Buster Call grade large battleships (so, double what a Buster Call would normally have in 10). These ships are also much larger than the ones used in Ohara.
30,000 Marines
9 Vice Admirals (nearly double the amount in a Buster Call)
1 Navy Admiral, Kizaru
1 Gorosei, Saturn
Great threat!!
People underestimate the force of this buster call.
This force is capable to face a entire Yonkou crew.

Like you said, to add, Lucci and Kaku are also on their sides so it is:
1 Gorosei>Saturn a top tier
1 Admiral>Kizaru a top tier
1 CP member(right now)>Lucci a high tier
9 Vice Admirals> mid to high tiers
30000 Marines
100+ Ships, 20 of which are Buster call grade large battleships...
50 Pacifista Mark

That force looks on paper even more impressive as then Beast or Big mom pirates...

Lucci can defeat any Yonkou commander of the beast/big mom pirates except the firstmates, in case Saturn can face any Yonkou alone for long good of time.

Meanwhile Lucci and Kizaru can gang on 3 Yonkou top commanders and beat them, join Saturn later against the Yonkou to finish him off...

9 Viceadmirals are able to fight against Veteran lvl characters...

Alone the fact that two top tiers are on this side tells enough..

CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
So, that's the problem with these shounens.

When you have characters doing kamehamehas, flying around, slicing mountains, and deflecting cannon balls, something like "a few ships shooting at them" doesn't hold the weight that it should.

Despite the fact that, narratively, a massive bombardment on the island IS a big deal, we literally JUST HAD an instance when the WG used a secret weapon to completely wipe an island from the map and Oda managed to do a BIG ASS death fakeout of not just Sabo, but a bunch of civilians as well who were treated initially as casualties.

So...I WANNA feel like the Buster Call is a big deal, but simply having "more ships" is not cutting it right now. It's just nothing more than another "time bomb", or "birdcage", or "onigashima is gonna land".
Yeah, this arc needs a serious death, to me.

If all of this Marine force leads to a simple escape, or victory, it will make it feel like the Marines sending fleets is pointless in the future.

Sabo fake-out deaths are the most painfully obvious thing in this series LOL I wish Oda would stop it with the nonsense.

To be fair with Lulusia, a lot of people did die, it's just the ones who decided to join the Revolutionaries and got on the ship with Sabo that survived.

Fake tension in this series is a huge problem, I can understand the people who want Kuma to die even though I want him to live.
Yeah, this arc needs a serious death, to me.

If all of this Marine force leads to a simple escape, or victory, it will make it feel like the Marines sending fleets is pointless in the future.

Sabo fake-out deaths are the most painfully obvious thing in this series LOL I wish Oda would stop it with the nonsense.

To be fair with Lulusia, a lot of people did die, it's just the ones who decided to join the Revolutionaries and got on the ship with Sabo that survived.

Fake tension in this series is a huge problem, I can understand the people who want Kuma to die even though I want him to live.
let vegapunk die not Kuma

Kuma had torture porn flashback. Need him and Bonney to just spend the rest of their life going on an adventure together


1. This is the greatest military bombardment upon an island we have seen in this series
Lulusia Kingdom: Am I a joke to you?
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This is what Egghead's Buster Call looks like:

50 Pacifista Mark III's, which can neutralize Devil Fruit users
100+ ships, 20 of which are Buster Call grade large battleships (so, double what a Buster Call would normally have in 10). These ships are also much larger than the ones used in Ohara.
30,000 Marines
9 Vice Admirals (nearly double the amount in a Buster Call)
1 Navy Admiral, Kizaru
1 Gorosei, Saturn
Possibly the Seraphims too. I believe 4 right? S-Hawk, S-Snake, S-Shark and S-Bear
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"Escaping the island is our only objective!"

This is not a force the Straw Hats can beat. Especially with CP0 and Blackbeard Pirates lingering.
I'd say they have to leave mainly because their objective is to protect Vegapunk.

They would probably fight it out if they didn't had to do this. Luffy would pull up a Roger moment against Shiki's fleet.
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2. As long as the Mother Flame is on the Labophase, the section on Sky Clouds, the Buster Call can destroy the bottom half of the island without destroying the Mother Flame, York, or Punk Records. Also, the Labophase is protected by the Frontier Dome still.
Didn't they shut it down?

I'm not full aware where the fight is going on but didn't a lot of marines already entered that Labophase?
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CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
Great threat!!
People underestimate the force of this buster call.
This force is capable to face a entire Yonkou crew.

Like you said, to add, Lucci and Kaku are also on their sides so it is:
1 Gorosei>Saturn a top tier
1 Admiral>Kizaru a top tier
1 CP member(right now)>Lucci a high tier
9 Vice Admirals> mid to high tiers
30000 Marines
100+ Ships, 20 of which are Buster call grade large battleships...
50 Pacifista Mark

That force looks on paper even more impressive as then Beast or Big mom pirates...

Lucci can defeat any Yonkou commander of the beast/big mom pirates except the firstmates, in case Saturn can face any Yonkou alone for long good of time.

Meanwhile Lucci and Kizaru can gang on 3 Yonkou top commanders and beat them, join Saturn later against the Yonkou to finish him off...

9 Viceadmirals are able to fight against Veteran lvl characters...

Alone the fact that two top tiers are on this side tells enough..
I feel like this is one of the arcs that will be better in the anime at times like this. It's hard for Oda to show the sheer scope of the Marine seige on Egghead, it will be a lot easier in the anime.

I love how Oda's made it clear narratively though that this is a crazy situation we haven't seen before. A Buster Call on this level is pure nightmare fuel, I feel horrible for Robin.

Crazy that it's the second time that Lucci and Kaku have been through one, as well.

Once the Straw Hats escape, the Marines are going to be in a tough spot.
Great threat!!
People underestimate the force of this buster call.
This force is capable to face a entire Yonkou crew.

Like you said, to add, Lucci and Kaku are also on their sides so it is:
1 Gorosei>Saturn a top tier
1 Admiral>Kizaru a top tier
1 CP member(right now)>Lucci a high tier
9 Vice Admirals> mid to high tiers
30000 Marines
100+ Ships, 20 of which are Buster call grade large battleships...
50 Pacifista Mark

That force looks on paper even more impressive as then Beast or Big mom pirates...

Lucci can defeat any Yonkou commander of the beast/big mom pirates except the firstmates, in case Saturn can face any Yonkou alone for long good of time.

Meanwhile Lucci and Kizaru can gang on 3 Yonkou top commanders and beat them, join Saturn later against the Yonkou to finish him off...

9 Viceadmirals are able to fight against Veteran lvl characters...

Alone the fact that two top tiers are on this side tells enough..
One thing I’d add is that Saturn still has the highest authority for the Seraphim as well.

So if Saturn teleports or Kizaru as well goes to the Labophase, they could free York and the Seraphim which would make the situation worse.

Edison & Brook are currently the only ones in the control room with York since the rest carried Stussy to the lower levels…and no one is in the room were the 4 Seraphim are imprisoned or where the other 3 are supposedly being kept.

CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
One thing I’d add is that Saturn still has the highest authority for the Seraphim as well.

So if Saturn teleports or Kizaru as well goes to the Labophase, they could free York and the Seraphim which would make the situation worse.

Edison & Brook are currently the only ones in the control room with York since the rest carried Stussy to the lower levels…and no one is in the room were the 4 Seraphim are imprisoned or where the other 3 are supposedly being kept.
This is why I think Catarina is one of the Blackbeard Pirates on the island. She could imitate either York or Saturn in order to command the Seraphim.
Nice effort post here, personally I'm praying for the Grand Fleet (who probably heard the news two days ago) and/or the Revs (who got a heads up from Shaka at the start) to arrive and handle the giant buster call.

It'd be a massive black eye to the WG, and right now the straw hats really only have a Kuma exit and no real way to get the sunny + Oharas books off the island.

I guess Elbaf is right there too, so Shanks could come but I personally don't want Luffy saved by daddy shanks at this point in the story.