
Pepebusi Spammer
- Chapter title is "The Message
- Luffy was being called by the ancient robot, he went to that place
- He tells Luffy that his power is still incomplete he still hasn't become fully a Joyboy
- The robot tells Luffy he hss the power of a special person that got turned into a devil fruit, his dream was to bring joy to everyone
- He tells Luffy to activate his awakened form again and merge with the last of his remaining energy
- We learn the missing poneglyph is related to Pangea Castle

- End of the chapter the buster call begins, however the island became a toon world and deflect all attacks from outside with rubber powers
Real open thread
Latrine fans logic-" Kizaru is stronger than the Gorosei" but still serves them lunch, probably washes their butt too. Why would you become a literal slave of someone weaker? Thats a big L tbh. Fodders are becoming pirates but big strong men are slave to the Gorosei