When you're not spamming random Zoro, Mihawk posts you're crying about what others post... I think you need another break. :risitasad:
I’m not perusing Twitter or using random video game screenshots, I’m using manga material that’s been a decade old but people choose to forget exists.

Lets just face the facts, you’re fatherless and want attention from admiral fans because you view them as the adults in your life right

Kizaruber Eats

Wake me up when One Piece (actually/ever) ends.
Re: the female animators
The amount of vile stuff women in power do (mostly teachers) and the lack of loud response to it - because it's considered "hot" and "why wouldn't you wanna have sex with the person who is by all accounts your parental figure in school" - is sad to say the least.

Just recently there was that American teacher who did stuff with a student and had other students stand as look outs. Disgusting

My favorite ray of light from all that drama is this little king (sorry for the ifunny link lmao):
JFC...I've heard of female teachers and underage students many times in the US and often the actual victim, the student is portrayed as the aggressor, the criminal,vthe one who forced the teacher to do it or and themselves on them too.

Having other students act as a LOOKOUT?! WTF?! my brain feels like playing Russian roulette right now...wtf....

I'm speechless man. I didn't even expect these stories could get worse like this.

Lmao at that story, I've heard similar before. Imagine if a male teacher did this especially on an underage girl? The double standards are extreme beyond comprehension.
I’m not perusing Twitter or using random video game screenshots, I’m using manga material that’s been a decade old but people choose to forget exists.

Lets just face the facts, you’re fatherless and want attention from admiral fans because you view them as the adults in your life right
This young man used to post sandman's tweets everyday(before he ran) but now he doesn't use twitter/x
@Kizaruber Eats I have barely watched any anime for years because when I see something coming highly recommended and check it out, chances are it ends up being the next Mushoku Tensei or Made in Abyss. What makes it worse is that some of this stuff is made by talented people who could put some good in the world, but instead they use their talents to create some truly sick things you could go your whole life without seeing, and then package it in a medium intended for the young and impressionable.

Once One Piece is over I don't think I'll be following much of anything new out of Japan, and Oda makes me want to drop even him with all his shenanigans over the years. This mess with Bonney is his worst yet. I'd like to believe he didn't plan for her to be a child from the start, but I doubt it.

Kizaruber Eats

Wake me up when One Piece (actually/ever) ends.
Somehow I managed to get leaks of the NEXT chapter too! Thanks to @CoC: Color of Caribou/ClownInformer !

Title: One Piece Chapter 1095 - "A Plutonic Deal"

Panel 1:
Caribou standing on the coast of Egghead Island, meeting with Lafitte and Devon.
Caribou: "Hey there, mates! Guess what I found in my swamp?"


Panel 2:
Caribou smirking as he reveals Pluton and spills the beans about Poseidon.
Caribou: "Pluton was chilling in my swamp, and Poseidon is a whole other story!"


Panel 3:
Blackbeard and his crew emerge from the BBP ship, looking intrigued.
Blackbeard: "Caribou, you sly dog! What's the surprise?"


Panel 4:
Caribou proudly presenting Pluton to Blackbeard.
Caribou: "I swiped Pluton from Wano, and Poseidon's on the horizon. Ain't I impressive?"


Panel 5:
Blackbeard, laughing heartily.
Blackbeard: "Ze ha ha ha! Caribou, you've outdone yourself! I'm proud of you!"


Panel 6:
Suddenly, a bellowing voice echoes: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY SWAMP?!"


Panel 7:
Shrek emerges from Caribou's swamp body.
Shrek: "I've had enough of intruders in my swamp! Time to kick some pirate tail!"


Panel 8:
Blackbeard and his crew, surprised by Shrek's appearance.
Blackbeard: "Well, this is unexpected... Bring it on, Shrek!"


Panel 9:
Intense battle scenes unfold as Shrek takes on Blackbeard and his crew.


Panel 10:
Extreme difficulty for Blackbeard and his crew, as Shrek's strength overwhelms them.


In the unlikeliest of alliances, Shrek emerges to defend his swamp, turning Egghead Island into the stage for an epic showdown! The Strawhats aren't the only ones in for a surprise on this chaotic island!


A man, my son 🌊
1105: The Strongest tools of Justice
- Saturn says Kizaru is the strongest Marine subordinate (so excluding Akainu) and Lucci is the strongest WG subordinate
- We get a picture presenting the marines and world government forces with Kizaru and Lucci on top, they are clearly viewed as equals
- Saturn says if either of the two would fall in battle it would be a disgrace
- Chapter ends with a double page spread, with on one side Zoro vs Lucci and the other side Sanji vs Kizaru
We already have plenty of spoilers.