Is Redon really posting hints or just posting random gifs to troll the fandom???

The time this guy wastes acting like a clown could be used to write the full summary.
I really hope people are wrong about Elbaf

i don't want just another arc in Elbaf after Egghead tbh

i would rather have the war break out and the world dive into chaos after the Egghead incident
Elbaf will be the best OP arc. Imagine an arc with Viking style+BBP+RHP+Enel

Kizaruber Eats

Some of y'all here are the goats genuinely.
Predictions before the chapter hits to give us atm easy some modicum of hope because the leakers are being prats:-

Chapter 1105: Not Like Last Time

Chapter begins with Sanji staring down both Saturn and Kizaru. Kizaru tells Sanji that an admiral is too much for him and that he should surrender.

Saturn concurs and tells Sanji that the best he can expect is a swift execution and that he won’t get any special privileges as Germa are no longer part of the WG. Saturn reveals that Judge was the one who turned in Vegapunk and the others into the WG in order to retain their seat in the WG which they lost 300 years ago.

Vegapunk recalls that Judge was the first apprentice he took later forming MADS, as he was impressed with his intelligence.

Sanji tells Saturn that he has no ties to that person and jumps over Saturn attacking with a Diable Jambe: Brochette Strike. However Kizaru jumps in and blocks the attack with a light kick. Sanji uses Soru to move behind Kizaru and attacks with a Anti-Manner Kick Course which Kizaru evades using his light speed, he then shoots lasers from his eyes similar to Queen which sends Sanji crashing into the ground.

Vegapunk calls after Sanji who is on the floor with his chest caved in. However, he gets back up with his eyebrows switched and pops his chest back into place.

Vegapunk is shocked and begins to talk…only for Sanji to disappear on sight. He then appears behind Kizaru, with Kizaru disappearing as well. However, Sanji is waiting and with great speed swings around kicking Kizaru in the chest sending him flying.

Sanji then uses Ifrit Jambe: Brochette Blow on Saturn, but before the kick can land, he is stopped by Kizaru who blocks the attack with his arms crossed. Kizaru grunts remarking that Sanji’s speed is very impressive, but that he isn’t known as the World’s Fastest Man for nothing.

Sanji then kicks Kizaru again who responds with light kicks, as the two trade blows. Kizaru commends Sanji and notes that he is certainly the progeny of Germa. Kizaru recalls that being from the North Blue - tales of the villainous Germa were all that kids talked about. There is a cut to both Saturn and Vegapunk’s face who look coy.

Kizaru then spins around in a circle creating after images which send a ring of light new move where a ring of light is created and closes around Sanji exploding on impact. Sanji falls to the floor next to Saturn. Saturn then raises a leg to impale Sanji but suddenly a fiery arc cuts through Saturn's leg, dismembering it. Saturn steps back with Sanji appearing in front of him. Sanji claims that the increased speeds of his kicks now allow him to send cutting flames. Sanji begins to grin as Saturn regrows his leg.

Cut to Luffy who is covered in slime now in front of a shadowed figure. Luffy thanks him for the food and for hiding him inside his body. We get a face reveal of Caribou who then begs Luffy to be part of the crew only for Luffy to fall asleep in the middle of the question.

The scene then transitions to Franky who is only just getting up after Kizaru's kick. Franky says that maybe he can use that tool to make Kizaru tangible.

Meanwhile the Buster Call is beginning with heavy bombardment of the Island. Some new vice admirals are introduced.
I really like this btw! I like that you not only included Ifrit and had Sanji vs Kizaru with his eyebrow switched too and you also actually had Judge reference his speech to Big Mom about that thing he referred to with Germa 300 years ago, whatever it was.
Always good to see Anti-Manner Kick Course get used too!

You remembered Luffys "random narcolepsy", unlike Oda, who seems to have forgotten it since Water 7, unless Ive forgotten it happening again since then? Im sure it hasnt though?

The new Kizaru move sounds awesome and also Sanji fucking up Saturn and ACTUALLY doing flaming cutting kicks, flaming rankyakus after ALL THIS TIME! Also I cant believe I didnt make such an obvious connection with Kizaru being from North Blue and thus knowing about Germa ofc! Ichiji even has similar powers to Kizaru but a very condensed version? Plus Kizaru and now Sanji both heavily involved with science, it fits too well....along with Kizaru meant to be a "sociopathic killing machine and slave" and Sanji was meant to be the same for Judge too....I dont know if Kizaru saw Vegapunk as a father figure but hes definitely close with him and he helped Kuma become an emotionlesss killing machine literally ofc and thus a slave again too.

Now these kinds of connections, parallels, build ups and we are what make me love reading One Piece too.