The facts are the facts no matter which way you try to put it.
-Blackbeard is going down soon.
-Blackbeard going down soon means he won't be on Laugh Tale to fight Luffy.
-Luffy's opponents are always strongest. Luffy always gets the biggest spotlight in the arc. Oda does not ever clown on Luffy, maybe in arc, but by the end of it, Luffy will always be the most impressive.
-Cross Guild will bring Mihawk to Laugh Tale.
-Zoro will fight Mihawk.
-Luffy's opponents are always stronger then Zoros.
-So who fights Luffy?
>Blackbeard=already bodied
>Imu=final war
>Akainu=final war/Dragon/Sabo victim
So who does it leave?
Well...There is only 1 man that has the hype + feats + portrayal + power to be Luffy's final rival to the One Piece.
Who could it be???
Who can be the final hurdle to the throne of the king and the One Piece?