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Chapter was alright by itself, what drags it down is Saturn's inconsequential waffling and utter incompetency.
They're all being incompetent.
Luffy is being incompetent because he's playing around with G5. Now he's fully fed-up (off-panel) and ready to fight again, but I wonder how long it'll last.
Kizaru was acting incompetent because he had a psychological bump to get over. Then the bump stopped to matter, and now he's fresh as a rose and still incompetent.
Saturn was being incompetent because we "needed" Kuma to punch him to the cathartic end of Kuma's FB. But now the punch happened, Saturn is regenerated and still incompetent.
VP is a moron incompetent. The WG telegraphed their betrayal and he did nothing about it. Saturn telegraphed his betrayal and he did nothing about it. Kizaru showed that he'd rather pick the WG's side than his friends', yet still VP did nothing about it.
And the list goes on and on and on and on...

Sasaki Kojirō

Hopefully, Jimbei going to Zoro frees Zoro from Lucci so he can clash with Kizaru in a sword duel. Saturn is coming down here for Luffy, Sun vs Saturn.

Now I hope Oda doesn't make Zoro go all out against Kizaru because it would be boring, and we won't even have a proper fight since Kizaru is a glass cannon. The first blow from Zoro that lands on him will already knock him down.


✌𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮✌
Wait....where's Stussy? Last we saw her she was being carted away with choppers group and now she's gone

Now that I see the final page better, Kuma Bonney Franky and Atlas are targeted by Pacifistas+Kizaru, I don't think Sanji can save all so who will help them?
Luffy stil can barely move :seriously:, come on your crew is in danger :josad:

I think that when Jinbe will arrive, Zoro vs Lucci is already finished :zosmug:

I hope the people that are heading to Egghead are RA or the Grand Fleet, but I like the idea that they are the Elbaf giants ( with Saul) as someone suggested too. I don't think it's Blackbeard, Devon and Lafitte arrived the day before ( in theory).


i agree, but comparing him to saturn (who is meant to be the science guy of the gorosei), VP is far more ethical, way better than caesar as well. he's more the ignorant type but he has a heart. also love how he's still getting angry/into arguments with saturn despite the risk of getting one-shotted at any time :risitavirus:
Saturn is not supposed to be ethical. He's the "bad guys"'s science guy. It's OK for him to pursue scientifical ends without keeping tract of the consequences.
But VP has been portrayed as a good guy-ish thus far. Yet none of his scientifical advancements to this point have taken into consideration the side effects, neither from the WG's prospective, neither from his friends' (Kuma included).
Saturn is fulfilling his role. VP is proving a moron.
So far the marines have seemingly failed to secure most of their objectives. They have control of the Seraphims who have not shown up for some time and remain unaccounted for. They have not secured York who is not seen in this chapter. And that don't have the mother flame which we still haven't seen. But lets blow the island up sure. So what aren't you showing us Oda?

Stussy and Kaku are also missing. And despite being told Jimbei is going to Zoro and Lucci's fight we don't see it.


A decent set up chapter though very obvious and as a result not great. A necessity for sure but could have been better executed. Whoever turns up better be worth it.


Welcome to the House of Hope
SaNa chapter

Btw, looks like Robin ended up fighting S-Snake considering her condition. Props for her. She deserves to break that 1B+ bounty as well.

Despite the fact that I REALLY want the BBP to come to Egghead, the Revos kinda have a golden opportunity with a Gorosei outside of Mariejois, so idk. Not sure how they could get there so fast, though.


feh. i was hoping for robin to have a focus because of the buster call and warn the others to run or do some battling at least. hopefully next chspter more intense.
In a better manga, this arc would fulfill both Franky's and Robin's character arcs.
Franky would show VP what taking accountability for your own inventions means, and Robin would save the ones she cares about from a Buster Call for once.
Honest opinion:
Luffy losed the first round... it is simple...
Same people who used the argument that he won like that against Katakuri now using excuse to make up his lose.

And it is not like with Lucci...
Lucci wasn't any match for Luffy, not even a single time he could caught up with Luffy speed and got knocked out by non CoC G5 Luffy in a shorttime...

Kizaru case it totally different.
He clashed with adv CoC base Luffy, he clashed entire 30mins against Snakeman(Luffy losed his Snakeman form) and clash with G5 for entire timespan... he fought against Luffy for at least a hour, Lucci barely for 10min+ against G5 CoC-less Luffy..

Kizaru also took Luffy second strongest adv CoC punch in G5(so far) and is still kicking around..

Means Kizaru fought Base Luffy with CoC>G4 Snakeman Luffy>G5 Luffy with adv CoC...

And still looking fresh..
He is far away from getting defeated...
He didn't even used his awakening yet, the portrayal is pretty clear.

Fact: If Kizaru want to kill Luffy, he would done it for now, in the time where Luffy still recover eating,Kizaru was already out kicking asses. That is a fact, Luffy would be defensless against Kizaru...

People try to downplay Kizaru feat yet he shown amazing shit so far and he will continue if he even pulls out awakening..

First round clearly goes to Kizaru...
Luffy truly is no match against an Admiral or a Yonko in his base form or even in his Gear 4 and that's a fact. He needed the peak of his Gear 4 or the usage of his awakening to be a match to them. The problem with his fight with Kizaru is not because Luffy had grown weaker or that Kizaru is technically that stronger but because Luffy does not have the same sense of urgency here compared to when he was fighting Kaido. When he was fighting Kaido, all adrenaline was high and he has total disregard whether he live or die. Here, that's not the case. One weakness I observed with Luffy is he gets nerfed whenever he tried to fight smart instead of his usual barbaric way.
Saturn is not supposed to be ethical. He's the "bad guys"'s science guy. It's OK for him to pursue scientifical ends without keeping tract of the consequences.
But VP has been portrayed as a good guy-ish thus far. Yet none of his scientifical advancements to this point have taken into consideration the side effects, neither from the WG's prospective, neither from his friends' (Kuma included).
Saturn is fulfilling his role. VP is proving a moron.
i guess it comes down to: what's better from a storytelling perspective? someone who is completely good and understands all consequences/never assumes the worst? or someone who realises he fucked up and wants to make amends? i think VP is going down the latter route, realising how short-sighted he was in his pursuits for intellectual knowledge. if he survives egghead he'll 100% want to redeem himself for all his fuck ups over the years. of all the pure scientists/enginners we know so far (excluding franky), he's the only one who could actually develop as a character imo.