Elbaf better not seperate the SHs
It will happen. And Zoro will get lost and have some totally irrelevant fight with some random swordsman character
Hey man the only charge I couldn't beat was the furry shit.

Not a murderer
Not a terrorist
Not manipulator
Not a hacker
Not involved with the mob :optimistic:
You're probably all of these irl. The question is how many corpses


A man, my son 🌊
I wonder what Sanji would look like if Bonney hit him with a Distorted Future for a power up against Kizaru? Could be interesting.
Perhaps it's one where Sanji made full use of the suit since childhood and maybe less emphasis on cooking. What if he uses his hands as well for an exception? He's probably not going to be happy at all and it would be interesting to see that.