1. Pacifistas will stop their attack because of Kuma DNA
2. Luffy will come back and Sanji will take Vegapunk with him
3. Jinbe will come to Zoro's place just to see that Lucci is down.
4. Cliffhanger with whoever is coming to Egghead. Hope it's Dragon
Another details about zoro vs appo, hoddy, monet is that he never put on his bandana. (but but bandana isnt a power boost say zoro hater when he always put it on before getting serious), and just like with those fight zoro isnt using bandana against lucci.
Didn't Kaku or one of his opponents ask zoro about the bandana while he was putting it on.. And whether or not it gives him a boost and he says may be it does lol

Edit.. Kaku did


Kizaruber Eats

Gladly waiting for the death of the red haired rat