
Still haven't slept in between (will right after that reply)

Yes, which he also said in the chain of tweets about this topic.
The problem is not really the fact that he made one mistake. Its the fact that this mistake can be explained sociologicaly by the way he see sciences.

No its not, just you not understanding words again
Hm yes it is.

This is literally what eugenism stands for. And I know what I'm talking about... I had the same vision of this subject as Dawkins a few years ago. This was a statement based on eugenic ideas. Something very problematic.

So the bias is not caring about politics and values when it comes to doing research.
In social science, this is indeed a very important bias yes. Not caring about the political context and the values entering in researches concerning political subject is literally opening the door to biased results.

In the cases of "hard" sciences you will see that more in the scientific process itself. For example, no caring about politics and values in scientific research will lead - in a patriarcal world - to a bias situation where it will be seen as normal that women are underepresented in sciences in both researches and publications which can lead to a lack of diversity of point of views. Something that can impact the process of creating good and efficient results.

because i care about the science, not the politics
This would be an strategic error, but you do what you want mate.
this shouldnt hinder scientists in their pursuit of knowledge.
Then I ask you again :

Can you stop people from experimenting on human or animals to study medecine or launching nuclear warheads on countries to study their impacts on climate if you do not care about "values" and "politic" in the scientific process ?

and I do think it holds some merit
I do not believe in that

science in a vacuum is political
Science simply can't existing without the act of seeking the understanding of the world. Therefore, there can't be no sciences without a moral action.

The act of seeking discovery is therefore a act driven by values. Values by themself are just values. Its when values are entering in conflict that the paradigm becomes political.

Since we are human we are driven by a lot of values but also by a lot of biases and those biases can be the sign of "sub values" (values that are hidden under the rest, not really values but not really biases either) For example we live in a patriarcal society, we all have therefore sexist "sub values". Another example is that we live in a capitalist and liberal world, which means that we all have meritocratic and individualistic "sub values".

In sciences, this means that this interactions between the values we are defending and the sub values can sometimes leads toward internal conflicts. This therefore create a political paradigm (a conflict of values) in the context of our internal everyday lives. For example, I may be loving social sciences, that describe the human behaviors mostly has product of our environment.. I'm still very influenced by my education on the value of merit and I need to remind myself everyday that this construction is no based on reality.

In science, this political paradigm can lead toward biases depending on the way the conflict leans. This is why we must always counter our potential biases with other values. Values that are based on reality and not based on mythological narratives we are educated with during our lives.

For example : There is a tendancy in leftist militantism to think that what we call in France "high intellectual potential diagnosed individuals" aremostly just something invented by members of the bourgeoisie to feel superior while keeping the imaginery narrative that they are in fact suffering.... But in reality its a lot more complicated than that and this is something that can be explained by sociology.

In short this is indeed a fake diagnosis, but the reasons behind the creation of this (new) diagnosis are not so clear. Its in reality the result of long tradition of institutionalization of the elitist (and false) notion that "gifted" people are in scholar failure (when its not really the case) added to the fact that middle and upper (cultural and economic) classes tends to put (in order) a lot more cultural and competitive pressure on kids. By doing that, they are giving their kids a strong "cultural capital" (through cultural activities with the cultural part of those classes and a more competitive approach for the economic side) which gives the kids an advanced and quite "sophisticated" comprehension of cultural aspects of society.. The problem is that schools are structured to be universal for all. This creates a disconnection between what those kids knows (a quite advanced comprehension of a few subjects, mostly scientific and cultural because the kids had a lot of occasions to do cultural activities and study science on the contrary to popular classes) and the way the knowledge is delivered.

This is why parents from middle and upper classes will often feel that school is not stimulating enough for their kids and the kids will often feel like those discipline are "too scholar" and feel a sensation of disconection with their scholar environment (that can lead toward antisocial behaviors). Those parents will often try to rationalize this by explaining that their kids are "high intellectual potentials" when in reality they are (often) just in dissonance with their environment because of the "cultural capital" given by their educations.

I gave you here one example where leftists values and sub values can lead toward a missinterpretation of reality. But it can happen with rightist values as well.. In fact, those tends to lead toward a lot more bias than the other side.

I don't remember why I was talking about that, I just wanted to share my thoughts on a video on sociology I just watched.

Scientists job is to research, study and develop better understanding of the subject matter.
And I agree with that.

The politicians decide what to do with those new technologies, not the scientists themselves.
Why are you talking about "politicians"?
Do you think that when I say "science is also political", I mean that there must be politician behind the curtains checking on science ?

No. That's not what I'm saying.

My point is that to do science, we will have ourself to deal with our own value system and biases. It means that we must do the job of checking the balances between our value system (and the ethics of society) and our own sub values and own biases. This is what differenciate someone that will experiment on humans because they just want to make science progress by any means necessary, and a scientist that will refuse to experiment on animals because of their own values.

Its means that researchers needs to be the gardians of the balances between their own values+positive ethics of society and their sub values/biases if we want to keep science as the biggest representation of human progress.

Its means that scientists must absolutely have a political vision about their work.
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Argonauts, roll out!
I do not believe in that
Well that is maybe part of the problem here then, I am not out to attack or disagree with you for the sake of disagreeing with you. However I am not confident that this is mutual.
I will admit that earlier I got a bit passionate, but you gotta understand that the reason why I am even participating in these discussions is to get different views and also challenge them as well as get my own views challenged. As far as I am concerned that is the ultimate purpose of these word exchanges, to broaden your mind.
Just because we quite evidently aren’t seeing eye to eye on certain topics, doesn’t mean I can’t agree with anything you say.
Meanwhile the impression I get from you is that you have to be right and can’t seem to accept that in certain situations that there is no true right or wrong answer.
Why are you talking about "politicians".
Do you think that when I say "science is also political", I mean that there must be politician behind the curtains checking on science ?

No. That's not what I'm saying.

My point is that to do science, we will have ourself to deal with our own value system and biases. It means that we must do the job of checking the balances between our value system (and the ethics of society) and our own sub values and own biases. This is what differenciate someone that will experiment on humans because they just want to make science progress by any means necessary, and a scientist that will refuse to experiment on animals because of their own values.

Its means that researchers needs to be the gardians of the balances between their own values and their sub values/biases if we want to keep science as the biggest representation of human progress.

Its means that scientists must absolutely have a political vision about their work
Well then, if this is the approach you’re taking you will have to define what the word politics means to you, because I am under the impression that we aren’t talking about the same thing
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I am trying to see your perspective so that I can actually have an opinion on what your stance is.
I don’t appreciate that your first reflex is to cast doubt on me genuinely trying to bridge the differences in order to let you know that I don’t think your idea in that case was completely off base, but I simply disagreed with the conclusion.

For someone who proclaims to love science, it seems to me you’d much rather be right than to reflect on different views
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USA second civil war (I guess it would be the second, right?) is coming? Texas vs USA?

Do you guys think in the world as it is today a civil war is possible? I mean looking at the scenario of the militar force of the country (missiles, tanks, airplanes, warships, bombs, drones etc) versus the militar force of a State (idk... glocks? rifles? maybe some snipers? pepper spray?) does a civil war is really possible? I'm very ignorant about how exactly was the civil war specially in therms of weaponary but I would say both sides had more or less the same level of weapons not an immense dispersion like it is today. Am I right?

And by the low knowledge of what I have on USA laws from the videos I saw it seems Texas is completely wrong on this in legal terms.
comforting lie: blaming everything on immigrants and trans people will solve our problems
Unpleasant truth: the destruction of the environment will bite us all in the bum if we don't make fundamental changes to our societies
Politics and Science are like milkpowder and cocoabutter...
Fundamentally 2 different ingredients, together they can become a symphony.
No you're just a chocolate addict
USA second civil war (I guess it would be the second, right?) is coming? Texas vs USA?

Do you guys think in the world as it is today a civil war is possible? I mean looking at the scenario of the militar force of the country (missiles, tanks, airplanes, warships, bombs, drones etc) versus the militar force of a State (idk... glocks? rifles? maybe some snipers? pepper spray?) does a civil war is really possible? I'm very ignorant about how exactly was the civil war specially in therms of weaponary but I would say both sides had more or less the same level of weapons not an immense dispersion like it is today. Am I right?

And by the low knowledge of what I have on USA laws from the videos I saw it seems Texas is completely wrong on this in legal terms.
Lived in Texas my entire life

If there was a second civil war, these bums would fucking die.

All the immigrants want to do is work low paying jobs. Maybe a handful of crazies are so racist that they’d be willing to go to war to keep them out, but all you need to do is go outside and you can see how much our society depends on these people. They make up large parts of many important industries.


Lived in Texas my entire life

If there was a second civil war, these bums would fucking die.

All the immigrants want to do is work low paying jobs. Maybe a handful of crazies are so racist that they’d be willing to go to war to keep them out, but all you need to do is go outside and you can see how much our society depends on these people. They make up large parts of many important industries.
Idk about mexicans exactly but I know that with Muslims there are terrorists infiltrated between those civils that just want a better life. Some african countries are doing the same. The whole narrative of they being men in militar age really make us wonder something else.
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USA low paying job = 3rd World countries average paying jobs

if developing countries were paid fairly for their labor, you’d never have mass migration.

But unfortunately, the global capitalist system thrives off exploiting the cheap labor of developing countries.
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Idk about mexicans exactly but I know that with Muslims there are terrorists infiltrated between those civils that just want a better life.
No. Eugenics is about selective breeding.

And quite literally dawkins said he deplores the idea of eugenics in humans. He just said it would be possible to do regardless.

But this still doesnt have anything to doneith science working. So not sure why you are so desperate to deflect from that with this stupid attempt of accusing dawkins that he supports eugenics
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the cases of "hard" sciences you will see that more in the scientific process itself. For example, no caring about politics and values in scientific research will lead - in a patriarcal world - to a bias situation where it will be seen as normal that women are underepresented in sciences in both researches and publications which can lead to a lack of diversity of point of views. Something that can impact the process of creating good and efficient results.
Diversity of opinions has nothing to do with superficial traits like sex or ethnicity.

And well its pretty undeniable that women tend to not to be as interested in stem subjects
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This would be an strategic error, but you do what you want mate.
Well in the end i didnt become a scientist anyway, so its not like it matters.
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Can you stop people from experimenting on human or animals to study medecine or launching nuclear warheads on countries to study their impacts on climate if you do not care about "values" and "politic" in the scientific process ?
Studying medicine would be impossible without experimenting on animals and humans, so i dunno what you are on about with that.

But well ultimately you cant. Because other people with opposite values and political ideology exist and will do it anyway
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Politics and Science are like milkpowder and cocoabutter...
Fundamentally 2 different ingredients, together they can become a symphony.
Imho its essentially antiscientific to say we should reconsider researching evolutionary biology because nazis could exploit the findings.
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comforting lie: blaming everything on immigrants and trans people will solve our problems
Unpleasant truth: the destruction of the environment will bite us all in the bum if we don't make fundamental changes to our societies
Pretty much. These fundamental changes need to be global. Shit like carbon tax on everyday joes is not something i see will actually help with the climate issue though.
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Every identity is legit. We cannot tell people how to feel about themselves.
I guess i didnt phrase it precise enough then. I tried getting at whether gender dysphoria is a legit condition or whether he thinks trans people just make shit up for the sake of it
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USA is a 3dr world country
Go to a 3rd World Country first before talking shit.

Country comparison: Brazil / United States (worlddata.info)

Brazil vs USA

Unemployment rate: 9.5 % vs 3.6 %

Inflation rate: 9.28 % vs 8.00 %

Cost of Living: 49.78 % vs 100.00 %

Commercial taxes and contributions: 65.10 % vs 36.60 %

Average income: 8,140 US$ vs 76,770 US$

USA has near 1/3 of unemployement. Less inflation. Althought cost of living is the double of Brazil the average income is around 9,5x. And way less taxes (current governament is increasing those taxes absurdly lately in Brazil).

Let's see Quality of Life

Political stability: 50 vs 67

Civil rights: 42 vs 83

Health: 56 vs 71

Climate: 56 vs 66

Cost of Living: 37 vs 42

Popularity: 40 vs 87

Now I ask you what is your idea of 1st World Country that USA doesn't fit?
Go to a 3rd World Country first before talking shit.

Country comparison: Brazil / United States (worlddata.info)

Brazil vs USA

Unemployment rate: 9.5 % vs 3.6 %

Inflation rate: 9.28 % vs 8.00 %

Cost of Living: 49.78 % vs 100.00 %

Commercial taxes and contributions: 65.10 % vs 36.60 %

Average income: 8,140 US$ vs 76,770 US$

USA has near 1/3 of unemployement. Less inflation. Althought cost of living is the double of Brazil the average income is around 9,5x. And way less taxes (current governament is increasing those taxes absurdly lately in Brazil).

Let's see Quality of Life

Political stability: 50 vs 67

Civil rights: 42 vs 83

Health: 56 vs 71

Climate: 56 vs 66

Cost of Living: 37 vs 42

Popularity: 40 vs 87

Now I ask you what is your idea of 1st World Country that USA doesn't fit?
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Pretty much. These fundamental changes need to be global. Shit like carbon tax on everyday joes is not something i see will actually help with the climate issue though.
Carbon tax, carbon offsets and similar shit is pure greenwashing that doesn't have any positive effects