No I mean if the strawhats run away or need to be saved then that's an L for Zoro.

Any Zoro fan with a brain should be rooting for a strawhat victory.
im not a Zoro fan by any means, but Luffy being vulnerable and having to depend on his crew at times is what makes the story better. people are frustrated against Luffy because Oda seems to have his sole focus on him and only him. Rooting against Luffy is a knee jerk response to how Oda has made everything about him.
most likely referring to Kizaru sending Doll and all the other marines from Egghead back to their ships so that he can backstab Saturn without any marine witnesses.
If Kizaru betrays Saturn then the yonko agenda thrives lol.

Because who do these guys is going to beat Kizaru?

1. The main character?
2. The guy who danced to the main characters heartbeat?
Sure, but I don't know why some try to make this exclusive to Zoro fans

all fandoms are trash talking Zoro at the moment lol
Eh who knows. I’ve found the luffy fandom to be worse now a days but all fandoms have those annoying dudes like Bill and Embers for Sanji, HA and Shishi for Zoro, and “Godfy top 1” cultists for Luffy.

Sure back when Beta was here making fun of the Zoro fandom made sense but now it’s just lame.