Dortmund or Real, who wins the Champions league!?

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Then why put Kuma and everyone in the Rocket tube in the position they are in now lol?
All an act. Well, not completely. Kizaru rn is still on the fence. He's still trying to justify killing all his friends under the guise of "under orders" "necessary" "they did bad shit" "i'm just a cog" etc.

Soon, something will happen between saturn and Kizaru's friends, Bonney, Kuma, Sento and the punks. (My guess is, some more punk's will get killed maybe while trying to shield kuma and Bonney. Atlas is a big target for this)

And that will force kizaru down from the fence and into the side of his friends.

egghead marines going back to ships wasn't a plan by kizaru. But it is an opportunity that he will utilize later.

You couldn't have been any further from the truth.

Akainu, unlike Kizaru went all out in bombing Ohara, unlike Kizaru who realized it was wrong.

Kizaru would rather save Vegapunk for doing the exact same things as the Oharans he blew up.

Very funny how Akainu's biggest fans don't even understand the character.
The Akainu of the past, or even 2 years ago, is not the current Akainu. He has more knowledge about the world and the WG corruption now.
Morning beautiful people :sweat:
Fuck off