Kizaruber Eats

We need to send CoC To Horny Therapy ASAP
this hint piece shit is out of control
Bluds think they're Oda smh.

How are you bro?:cheers:
I'm doing ok thanks for asking! I'm slowly starting to recover mentally and emotionally, things are slowly getting better, although I'm still having my shitty days too. I've started cooking again and making some pretty good meals somehow for once, so theres hope too! Mostly working on self improvement and changing my life atm, as gradual as it is ofc.
I've been in a real meme making, creative, funny mood today, as in having fun and such, its a nice and very rare feeling haha.

How about yourself anyway? I'm glad to see you still around as always ofc!
I had a nokia brick phone in high school and my first year of college. That thing was indestructible! I remember dropping it on the stone steps of my dorm building. It literally broke apart, but I put it back together and it turned right back on. Smart phones are too fragile. phones are made that way on purpose . Keeps people buying .