Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1106 Spoilers Discussion

Will Kizaru use awakening in the next Chapters?

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Heard Sanji got beamed through by Kizaru one tap. His kick did nothing against Saturn and Kizaru just shot him like some fodder. Not looking good for the cook this arc
At best Sanji could match an Admiral EoS. To be honest I'd say never win, at least not against Kizaru. Marco-level should be Sanjis absolute peak.

Even though the bounties were close there was a huge gap, Queen couldnt hit Marco once. Kizaru > Marco but Marco can hold off Kizaru for a proper while. So this was expected, Kizaru would piss all over Queen too.

Who is stronger: Ulti or Sanji?
Sanji. But Ulti is one of the most under rated characters in the OP universe. I strongly suspect she has CoC latent, with proper guidance she should reach Don Chinjao peak.
You know, I think One Piece has a good amount of arguably weird story choices Oda went with. Heck, I am basically the lead that the Tsumegeri Guards were the dumbest plot point he ever made.
That one with Kinemon isn't even a discussion, it was just bad and maybe even worse that the Guards.
man was never going to kill kin, the fact that he use such a BS reason still has me lol to this day .
BM has oneshotted, 2 shotted and low diffed Ancient zoans, Cyborgs , tanks... :
ONeshotted Ulti
Oneshotted P1
Oneshotted Judge
No diffed RS Yonji & RS Niji
LOW DIFFED big father Capone
Two shotted Zoan Queen

While no admiral has even oneshotted a Veteran as strong as Niji or P1
Kizaru :
has failed to even KO nerfed sentomaru for good
Can't damage Nika really...just papercut on his cheek
Can't damage Sanji really
Can't oneshot Franky nor damage him
Can't KO Bonney

Soon and very soon, you'll understand that you can't scale
BM has always had better AP than most top tiers bar Shanks , WB and Kaido
She's also above any top tier bar Kaido, Xebec, WB and Roger
People have been underestimating big mom too much
Wait a minute.... If Bonney had control over the Seraphim all this time then why the fuck did we have to deal with the whole Seraphim going rogue plotline?????????

@Kurozumi Wiwi @Paperchampion23 @Durableguy
Oda is a bad writer.

In fact. There shouldn't have been any tension this arc at all.

The seraphim and pacifistas should have buttfucked the marines and everyone from the start.

Be real. Kishimoto is better at writing than Oda.
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