I just saw all raws . Conclusion :
Sanji is most hated by Oda.
He promised to Bonney and he did not achieve to protect vegapunk.
During the fall from air , Sanji was very slow , instead blocking the beam. he can kicked kizaru thw way Luffy did.
Sanji is delusional character anymore.
he is not only faster but also teleported there :)
Lots of illogical points.
We know that Vegapunk will not die , but come on Oda , even after that stab ? ? ?
What is point bringing droggy and broggy ? Luffy is not emperor ? is fraud ?
If authority can be taken by bonney easily , why fraud vegapunk wait 100000 chapter to give it ?
When will we see Zoro , after Luffy find out laughtale ? :))
Why 3 seconds falling take one chapter
Oda please do not try to be funny.