Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Currently watching the first song review I ever saw Jordan Peterson do.

What are y'alls thoughts on him having to be sent to social media training or losing his license? Despite how you feel about his views, I don't see how anyone could agree with this.
It's ridiculous. It's just punishment for speaking out against the victim narrative. Guys like Jordon Peteroson, Matt Walsh, Ben Shepiro and even Andrew Tate got an audience in the first place because of the crazy hypocrisy of the left.

Like with Trump, it will only get them more supporters.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.
"Pai Nosso" Portuguese is derived from Latin lol. Now seriously,i havent gone to church in ages.
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Whatever happened to the mgtow movement? Those dudes vanished
Well...they went their own way lol


It's ridiculous. It's just punishment for speaking out against the victim narrative. Guys like Jordon Peteroson, Matt Walsh, Ben Shepiro and even Andrew Tate got an audience in the first place because of the crazy hypocrisy of the left.

Like with Trump, it will only get them more supporters.
People who agree with censorship now, don't understand how fast that censorship can turn on them and they become the ones censored.
I did not invent this notion
That's what pacifism as always been.

Indeed.. I've been literally screeming that its what is currently happening for month now.. But people who keep denying the situation like Nameless will only see the danger of fascism when its too late, once this system turns against them or hurt the one they love.

Sadly, I can only help people who try to question the status co.

So you stopped playing the adult then ?

I would love too, but this would mean letting toxic rethoric go without contradiction. I just can't allow me to do that.
I allow myself to let thing pass when I'm not here, but when I am, I try to keep the barrier up. Even if it means writing a wall of text.

My goal is not for my post to be read, its for them to be here in the case where someone with more progressive values happens to fall in here. I want to keep those people in this thread instead of making them think that bigoted people are allowed to say whatever they want without contradiction and give up because of that.

Well, take a look at the consens :



Also, in the conclusion of the article you provided is this: "[...] Consequently, some reduction in violent crime could be produced by a federal law requiring background checks on all persons seeking to obtain a firearm, regardless of the source." Which proves our point

The reality of the study is a bit more nuanced that you might think..
just split the post fluffy


Many psychologist get into that field to try to help themselves. JP has some auto immune disease that makes him depressed,anxious and other physical symptons.
Anxiety is a mean beast. Treatment for it is too. Part of the reason I have been on here a couple of days. I withdrawing from anxiety medication and it's causing my blood pressure to rise. So they told me to take a few days off and avoid stress and to come back Monday. So I came to a political thread. :gokulaugh:
He hasn't lost it but he will if he doesn't go through their social media training. He says he plans to broadcast it and I plan to watch it to see what it entitles.
Social media training sounds like they'll be telling him what's appropriate to post and what's not. Which sounds very redundant when a report button exists for the very purpose of axing bad stuff. If his posts weren't bad enough to be flagged, then I fail to see how this is fair.
Anxiety is a mean beast. Treatment for it is too. Part of the reason I have been on here a couple of days. I withdrawing from anxiety medication and it's causing my blood pressure to rise. So they told me to take a few days off and avoid stress and to come back Monday. So I came to a political thread. :gokulaugh:
Benzoadizepines?I still take like 0,125mg of Clonazepam. Some mofo got me addicted into into aroudn 18 months ago. i'm still trying to quit.