[FNZ] Super Role Madness Re:Zero: Starting Life in Mafia

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If you don't mind me asking have we seen any actions that can be attributed to Priscilla? That's the character MrReloaded claimed recently. I can search myself as well, but nothing is immediately sticking out when I look at the threadmarks.
There was one day action for sure. Other than that I don’t know anything about flavor so I’m the wrong guy lol

You’re better off asking Reloaded himself or hunting down a flavor person
yes because there are mafia like you, luka and jagurk alive.

The dumbass townies also alive want to vote me because they cannot play the game properly. Look at my posts, who could be wolf with me? Its all really obvious but the town cant see it.

Anyway like i said, none of you are worth my time
My game is lagging alot for some reason right now, presumably because I'm using my hotspot / mobile forum but I find this baseless agression on 3 slots that are all both consensus town and somebody who literally cannot be evil imo in yoho to be really weird coming from a scum and unwarrented. I think that this is one of my last bets for a factional evil among the LHF slots, but the problem is they might just be outed due to the nature of poe
The Witch of Envy

Mashiro Blue

𝓦𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓾𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 ✰

A Glimpse of Envy was activated to Superkill Ram/ @Yoho

A Glimpse of Envy was activated on ???

Oni Maid

You are Ram, an Oni Maid that's at the service of Rosswald at the Rosswald's Mansion, being originally referred to as the Second Coming of the Oni God in her village. Ram's village was attacked by the Witch Cult, making Ram lose her horn in the process. Both Ram and Rem were saved by Rosswald after the attack. You are a Town role with the goal to eliminate all threats to Town.

- Super Role -
[Passive - Rosswald's Maid] - As a maid at the service of Rosswald, Ram will be investigated guilty to alignment checks.

[Passive - Siblings] - As twins, Rem and Ram always spent time together and are extremely close, as they care for each other deeply. You are Siblings with Rem, being guaranteed that both of you are Pro-Town aligned.

[Passive - Oni Bloodline] - Ram was formerly considered to be a child prodigy and the second coming of the Oni God even though she only had one horn. Ram is immune to rolechrushes due to her lineage.

[Active - Magic User] - Ram is able to use Wind Magic and is mentioned to be relatively skilled in it. When she still had her horn, Ram's wind magic was incredibly more powerful than it is now. Ram may use 2 of the following abilities per cycle:

[Fura] - Fura is Ram's most used Wind Magic. Ram shoots wind slashes with a super high speed that can cut through wood, stone, and flesh with ease. Ram may roleblock a player (Rolecrush during Oni Form)

[El Fura] - Ram unleashes a blade of wind, travelling at maximum velocity. Ram may redirect a player (Bushdrive during Oni form)

[Ul Fura] - Ram is capable of rewriting the world around her, transforming the air around her into blades of wind, Ram may track a player (immune to tampering during Oni form)

[Ol Fura] - Ram reshapes all the wind particles around the field. Ram may watch a player (immune to tampering during Oni form)

[Al Fura] - Ram unleashes an extremely devastating torrent of wind blades that destroy everything and everyone in its path. Ram selects a player and all abilities sent towards her will be sent to that player, including kills. Ram selects another player for all abilities sent to that player be sent to another player of her choice, except kills. May only be activated when Oni form is in effect (1-shot)

[Active - Oni Form] - Despite not having a horn, Ram can still go into her Oni Form, being able to use her powers to greatly boost her combat abilities for a short amount of time, but at a cost of vomiting blood and rendering herself unable to move for a long period of time. Ram may activate this ability to become Superbulletproof and immune to redirections and roleblockes for a cycle. If Ram activates this ability, she'll be roleblocked for the entirety of the next cycle. Fura abilities will be upgraded during Oni form and she may activate all of them in that cycle. (2-shot)
[Active - Synesthesia] - A special trait of Rem and Ram to use each other's magic to fuel their abilities. Rem and Ram may activate this ability together to superkill a player of their choice during the day. For the purposes of this ability, each one of you may suggest a target through the host to the other. If Rem or Ram die in the meantime, this ability will be upgraded to an Ultra Kill and can be used single handedly. If this is the case, your role will become unusable for the remainder of the cycle. Locked until DP3 (1-shot)

[Active - Illusionism] - Ram is capable of generating illusions using a combination of her Wind Magic and a hallucinatory drug. Ram may activate this ability on a single player to receive vanilla descriptions of all abilities they used in the previous night. Day Action. Locked until DP3 (1-shot)
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