Controversial Which strawhat would do best in their irl career

Which strawhat would be most successful

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A few Years ago in an SBS oda revealed what jobs the strawhats would have if they were with us irl

Luffy- fire fighter
Zoro- police officer
Nami- nursery school teacher
Usopp- graphic designer
Sanji- stylist
Chopper- grade school teacher
Robin- flight attendant
Franky- pilot
Brook- Detective ๐Ÿ•ต๏ธ

I'd say Nami she's shown to be Great with kids and is one of these smartest characters in the series

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu

- Luffy is an idiot so he'd screw up somehow
- Zoro would get lost a lot and screw up becaude he's also an idiot
- Sanji and Brook will get a sexual harassment allegations and be ruined
- Everyone else would do fine but nowhere near Usopp level of success

Btw @Yoho you clown why there no Usopp option in the poll? ๐Ÿง