[FNZ] Super Role Madness Re:Zero: Starting Life in Mafia

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Mashiro Blue

𝓦𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓾𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 ✰

Synesthesia was activated to Ultra Kill Roswaal Mathers/ @Flower

Roswaal L Mathers
Lord of House Mathers

You are Roswall L Mathers, the Lord of House Mathers. During his younger years, Rosswald was an apprentice of the Witch of Greed, over 400 years ago. With her death at the hands of the Witch of Envy, Rosswald has been incessantly finding a way to be with her once again, going as far as to trick everyone around him. You are the Godfather of your faction and you must eliminate all threats to your faction and assist in the resurrection of the Witch of Envy.

-Super Role-
[Passive - Lord of House Mathers] - As the Lord of House Mathers, Rosswald will always investigate innocent to alignment checks and will be investigated as his fake role to flavour checks.

[Passive - Flying Magic] - By combining the magical power of the Earth, Wind, and Yang elements, Roswaal could float in the air, or, if he wishes to do so, fly. With this Roswaal is Superbulletproof all game.

[Passive - Detection Magic] - Roswaal may use his magic to detect who visited him during the night.

[Passive - Soul Transmission] - It is a lost forbidden magic art that allows a person to move their spirit from one body to another by over-writing the soul of the target body with their own. If Roswaal dies, his role can be transferred to one of his teammates, as an additional role. This won't refill x-shots. Works only once.

[Active - Yang Magic] - Roswaal A Mathers is a mage capable of using magic of all six elements, whose skill had reached the pinnacle of human possibility, surpassing even that of his mentor the Witch of Greed. There is no magic that he cannot use or has difficulties acquiring, only falling behind Echidna in terms of overall magical knowledge and Beatrice in terms of Yin Magic. Roswall has access to the following abilities:

[Rewriting Magic] - By simply touching an incoming magic attack with any part of his body, Roswaal could easily rewrite the spell's composition, completely disassembling the incoming attack and absorb the mana through his own gate. Roswaal may activate this ability to forge the next alignment invest result in the cycle that this ability is activated (3-shot)

[Perception Magic] - A magic that very much acts like illusion magic. Roswaal creates an illusion of a person in the target's mind, working as a mental attack. Roswaal may activate this ability on a player and if that player tracks or watches another player, Roswaal may change the target of the tracking or watching ability, making the player visit someone of Roswaal's choosing (3-shot)

[Threefold Magic] - A god-like spell that has Roswaal conjure up 3 fireballs of differing hues, red, blue, and green. Rosswald can activate this ability on a player to disable all their x-shot for a cycle (1-shot).

[Fourfold Magic] - Roswaal can cast fourfold magic, which allows him to summon four big and highly powerful fireballs which move at high speeds and follow the target until they eventually connect. Roswall can activate this ability to rolecrush a player (2-shot).

[Fivefold Magic] - Roswaal can cast five different, extremely destructive spells at the same time. This attack allows him to scorch a target with intense fire, slice it apart with destructive wind blades and pulverise it, in seconds. Roswall may activate this ability to superkill a player. Locked until DP3 (1-shot)

[Sixfold Magic] - Sixfold magic is Roswaal's trump card and the very pinnacle of what he's capable of casting. The spell is so destructive that it allows him to compete with the Beast of the End itself. Roswall may activate this ability to eradicate the most voted player, replacing the lynch that day. This will effectively janitor the player, being as strong as a lynch. This is not an hammering ability. Cannot activate it if Roswaal is the leading wagon (1-shot)

[Active - Illusion Magic] - Roswaal may use his magic to mask an ability of his faction with one of the abilities of a fake role, making it have a real effect (1-shot)
[Active - The Rosswald Mansion] - The Famous Mansion of the Mathers Family. This is where Rosswald usually resides. By activating this ability, Rosswald may select 6 players to enter a neighbour chat. Players need to accept the invitation and they can leave at any time. You can add yourself and any teammates as part of the 6 players. The effects are as following:

- You and your team are immune to those players' actions (1st cycle)

- You are immune to those player´s abilities (2nd cycle onwards)

- You may know, once per cycle, one player's alignment and what type of primary Mafia role they are (2nd cycle onwards)

Julius Juukulius
Spirit Knight
[Passive - Spirit Knight] - As an extremely skilled Knight and with a great affinity for Spirits, Julius will resist the first kill or superkill on him in the game.
[Passive - Divine Protection of Gathering Spirits] - Julius has the Divine Protection of Gathering Spirits, which enables him to see, talk, and be liked by spirits. As spirits are always with him, they'll tell Julius who was he visited by at night.
[Active - Spirit Arts] - Julius is able to use spirit arts with any of his six spirits which afford him a variety of specialties from offense to support like healing. Julius has access to the following abilities:

[Ul Gola] - Julius calls on Ia and Aro to produce a powerful magical firestorm by combining both Fire and Wind magic. Julius can activate this ability on a player to disable all their x-shot for a cycle (1-shot).

[Combination of Spirits] - Julius can combine two or more spirits in order to get himself and his friends out of tough situations. Julius may activate this ability to receive a copy of the next alignment check results (2-shot)

[Nect] - A high level magic that enables people to share senses within the effect area by connecting their gates. It is considered to be difficult to use, however, In and Nes can use it by pairing Yin and Yang Magic together and tuning the interference of mana between people. Julius may select 6 players to enter a neighbour chat. Players need to accept the invitation and they can leave at any time. You can add yourself as part of the 6 players. (1-shot)

[Active - Clarista] - Julius imbues his sword with the power of his six spirits. Clarista and its different levels are Julius' original magic. Julius can use the following ability:

[Al Clarista] - Al Clarista allows Julius to imbue his sword with the power of his six quasi-spirits cladding his blade in a brilliant rainbow light. Julius may activate this ability to rolecrush a player (2-shot)

[Active - Al Clauzeria] - When Al Clauzeria is casted, six different coloured spirits start circling around Julius and join into one whirling rainbow-hued vortex of light which is shot out from the tip of his sword. During the DP, Julius may activate this ability to make the lynch immune to active janitoring abilities (1-shot)

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town​
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