
I will never forgive Oda
And you think he won’t be coming back?

Even irrelevant unplanned bums like Midd had plenty screentime
Smoker is one of 3 marines whose philosophies matter in the bigger picture (other two being Sakazuki and Issho)
Rest of marines are filler

Loby is a pathetic scrub who will have some moments here and there but will never sit at the current gen big boy table
Koby's more important to the story and has been REPEATEDLY cut away to. Like, this isn't fucking complicated lmfao.

When was the last panel of Smoker? Why has Oda inserted Koby into the story several times over the years but refused to show Smoker once?

What is Oda prepping Koby for, narratively, that he keeps building him up and reminding the audience about him?
Why has he decided to not show Smoker at all? Why isn't Smoker relevant when the Shichibukai are disbanded, the organization he has the most beef with?

Smoker will return.... But not as anything big, important or spectacular.


I will never forgive Oda
Continue digging your own grave Lac. I don't need more proof than PH to tell you that Kuzan washes this Old bozo. Legit Prime Garp vs Aokiji has become debatable.

Garp’s hype was executed in Hachinosu. Blud turned out to be a normal retired Admiral.
I don't know how you can downplay Garp, who fucking shat on Kuzan with the littlest of concern for the man, then go around and hype Kuzan for his shit performance.

I get waiting for better feats. That's fine. But don't jerk Kuzan off for surviving a battle with Garp when he has amble support.
This Loby wank is nuts
Literally the Konohamaru of shit piece, @TheAncientCenturion you of all people should know better

Smokey is a real character with actual values and principles behind his actions, he has been Luffy’s nemesis since the marines were first officially introduced
He followed him to the grand line then the new world
He is Kuzan’s longtime friend
HE WAS LITERALLY SAVED BY PIRATE KUZAN, who talked to him about him being himself and all that, but now he has done it and mid diffed Garp. Smoker’s whole plot in PH revolves around dealing with traitor scum Vergo. He hated Vergo so much that he teamed up with Law
Woby is 10000x times better than Lmoker.
Imagine being a captain for years with a Logia cause you got lazy and only started busting your ass because of a Rubber teenager.
Koby is the superior version of Rock Lee and gonna be a true rival to Luffy. Its clear as day Smoker was trying to understand Kuzan and has no reason right now to fight him. Koby on the other hand directly lost his mentor due to Kuzan and has a WAY stronger connection being Garp's other protege. Smoker on the other hand is fucking MIA when if he was Luffys rival he would be at Egghead or at LEAST with Tashigi. Mans better be retired or the Cross Guild copium is real
Continue digging your own grave Lac. I don't need more proof than PH to tell you that Kuzan washes this Old bozo. Legit Prime Garp vs Aokiji has become debatable.

Garp’s hype was executed in Hachinosu. Blud turned out to be a normal retired Admiral.
Post automatically merged:

In an epilogue that takes place like 10 years after the current story. Who the fuck cares.
Nah when the world bows down to God Nika who freed them all from Imu, Nikas biggest fanboy will be in charge of the world police cause why not.
Koby's more important to the story and has been REPEATEDLY cut away to. Like, this isn't fucking complicated lmfao.

When was the last panel of Smoker? Why has Oda inserted Koby into the story several times over the years but refused to show Smoker once?

What is Oda prepping Koby for, narratively, that he keeps building him up and reminding the audience about him?
Why has he decided to not show Smoker at all? Why isn't Smoker relevant when the Shichibukai are disbanded, the organization he has the most beef with?

Smoker will return.... But not as anything big, important or spectacular.
Off screen power up


worked for Cryby, Crocodile and every other character Oda takes out of the story for a while.

Power creep Admiral level awakened Smoker incoming TAC be prepared.

I don't know how you can downplay Garp, who fucking shat on Kuzan with the littlest of concern for the man, then go around and hype Kuzan for his shit performance.

I get waiting for better feats. That's fine. But don't jerk Kuzan off for surviving a battle with Garp when he has amble support.
Is this animosity towards Kuzan’s showings a reflection of your frustration to Kizaru’s pathetic performance so far in the arc?
I don't know how you can downplay Garp, who fucking shat on Kuzan with the littlest of concern for the man, then go around and hype Kuzan for his shit performance.

I get waiting for better feats. That's fine. But don't jerk Kuzan off for surviving a battle with Garp when he has amble support.
I had legit disgust hearing peoples top 30s/50s and hearing morons say Kuzan middiffed Garp when Garp clearly got jumped. But fuck it I learned most people can't powerscale Marco holding off 2 commanders, let alone Garp vs Hachinosu..


I will never forgive Oda
Off screen power up


worked for Cryby, Crocodile and every other character Oda takes out of the story for a while.

Power creep Admiral level awakened Smoker incoming TAC be prepared.

Totally could happen. Next chapter, Smoker can appear and have a huge power up.

But as far as we know, he won't. Koby already reappeared and has a move that's >> Dressrosa Zoro's best feat. He's arguably physically stronger than Boundman.
When was the last panel of Smoker? Why has Oda inserted Koby into the story several times over the years but refused to show Smoker once?

Smoker had an entire arc post ts, and his big return is coming soon
What has Coby done?
-Save a princess?
-Cry about Goofy at princess tea parties?
-Fodderized by Hancock?
-Stood like a retard while Kuzan froze his girlfriend?
-Got Garp in a dire situation with his tomfoolery?
-Fail to get EVEN ONE SCENE WITH KUZAN to establish this so called predictable fight?
