I'm starting to think that the spoilers with Zoro and Lucci are misleading.
Knowing leaks involving Zoro, I wouldn't be surprised if Zoro is clearly beating Lucci and they... uh... stretched the truth a little.
I thought King's durability meant that Lucci wouldn't last too long, but, I underestimated Lucci's Awakaned Zoan powers.
IDK, the more I look back the more I feel King really threw that fight by challenging Zoro to a straight power-clash rather than relying on his speed and abilities.
Give Lucci credit, he fights much more efficiently than the Beast Pirates, Lucci does not fuck around, he's going for the kill from the second the fight starts.
Kaido's ass getting drunk in the middle of a fight, Lucci would never.
Going to wait for the Raws here.