Kizaru stifling his emotions since he’s a cog in the machine is about to get bitch kicked by the power of love itself
Also by someone who was meant to become an emotionless super soldier twice but was saved by his mother and thus love.
He could have taken the devils offer, sold his soul, his emotions, his humanity and became what Darth Judge wanted but Sanji rejected the dark side outright once and for all and embraced his emotions, his humanity, sanji chose the braver, riskier, more selfless and difficult route, but also the more rewarding and noble one.
Sanji is a self made, successful man after all, he would make Sora so infinitely proud of him right now especially and Zeff must be insanely proud of him now too especially. I really cant wait for a Zeff and Sanji reunion, well Sanji with the Baratie as a whole ofc, Zoro with Johnny, Kosaku, Koshiro and his dojo friends, Brook with Laboon especially, Nami with Nojiko and Genzo etc.
Kizaru instead whether hes being forced to ofc or by choice or its all he knows due to brainwashing, is choosing to be a "corporate slave", a "cog to the machine", an ideological soldier with no free will, a loyal dog with autonomy to the WG but no authority for himself and his desires, hes just a shell of a man.
I'd like to think at some point, the SHs will encounter ghosts of all the people they lost and loved, like Robin did so randomly with Black Maria and her cronies, even though those were illusions ofc and the SHs will have a really emotional reunion and closure with the ones they lost, with the people they've lost seeing how far their beloved SHs have come after all these years and decades even, how much they've matured, accomplished etc.
In fact, fuck it, I'll generate a script on this idea, we need this so bad imo:
Title: The Ghosts of Memories
[The scene opens on the vast, sunny plains of Laugh Tale. The Straw Hat Pirates stand in a circle, their faces reflecting a mixture of determination and nostalgia. Brook, the skeletal musician of the crew, stands at the center, his eyes glowing with a spectral light. He raises his bony hands, calling upon his awakened powers to summon the ghosts of their past loved ones.]
Brook: Yohohoho! Allow me to bridge the realms between the living and the departed, so that we may share this moment with those who shaped us, guided us, and loved us! 🎵
[As Brook's haunting melody fills the air, one by one, the spirits of the departed begin to materialize. Ace, with a warm grin, appears alongside Luffy's mother, a spirited woman with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. Whitebeard stands tall, his imposing figure softened by a gentle smile. Kuina, her sword gleaming, exchanges a knowing glance with Zoro.]
Luffy's Mother: (with a hearty laugh) Look at you, Luffy! Always finding trouble wherever you go. But you've got a good heart, just like your dear mother! ❤️
Zoro: Kuina... You're still ahead of me, aren't you? But I'll catch up, I promise. 💪
Nami: (tears glistening in her eyes) Belle-mere... I wish you could see the world we've explored together. 😢
Belle-mere: Nami, my darling, you've become so strong. I'm proud of the woman you've become. 🌟
Robin: Mother Olvia... Professor Clover... The journey has been long, but your wisdom still guides me. 📚
Chopper: Dr. Hiriluk! Thank you for teaching me that a man's worth isn't measured by his lifespan. 🦌
Franky: Tom-sensei! My parents! Thanks to you, I found my place in the world as a shipwright! 🚢
Usopp: (wiping away tears) Mom, I've become a brave warrior of the sea, just like you always believed I could be. 🏹
Sanji: (his voice trembling) Mother Sora... Thank you for teaching me the values of bravery, kindness, selflessness, and staying true to oneself and one's emotions. 🌸
Kuina: Zoro, you've grown stronger with each battle. Keep reaching for the top! ⚔️
[As the reunion continues, Laboon, the giant whale, breaches the ocean's surface, his mournful song joining Brook's melody. The spirits of Fisher Tiger and Tom the fishman nod in silent acknowledgment, their presence a testament to unity and friendship.]
Jinbei: Fisher Tiger... Tom... Your legacies live on in our journey for freedom and equality. 🐟
Hiriluk: Chopper, my dear boy, remember that true healing comes from the heart. ❤️
Olvia: Robin, my darling daughter, the world is your library. Keep seeking the truth. 🌎
Clover: Robin, knowledge is both a weapon and a shield. Use it wisely, my dear. 📖
Yorki: (with a nostalgic smile) Brook, my friend, it's good to see you again. And Laboon, still singing those soulful tunes, I see. 🐋
Brook: (tears glistening in his eyesockets) Yohohoho! Yorki, my dear captain, it warms my soul to see you once more. Laboon's song carries the echoes of our journey. 🎶
[Laboon's haunting, soulful song fills the air, echoing across the ocean. The spirits of Brook's crew nod in silent acknowledgment, their presence a bittersweet reminder of their shared adventures.]
Brook: Farewell, dear friends! Until we meet again in the depths of memory and dreams! 💫
[With one final flourish of his skeletal hands, Brook's melody fades, leaving behind the whispers of the wind and the endless expanse of the sea. The Straw Hat Pirates stand tall, ready to embrace the next chapter of their journey, with the memories of their loved ones guiding their way.]
FML, im actually in tears generating and reading this, damn you Oda! I added Luffys mother too since Oda doesnt care about her at all /s.