I woke up and see that ShishiO is gone… what kinda meltdown was this?
If you ever saw a single one of his posts you'd know
Yet every one is unique, so I wanted to see what this one looked like
Was he using orphan? Retard? Mouth breather? Human filth? Glad the rules are neforced here anyway, it would have been only his 10th ban since I'm here

Kizaruber Eats

Wake me up when One Piece (actually/ever) ends.
Willing to poison the marimo nakama but not a crazy Big Mom in hot pursuit? LOda, master writer. :kriwhat:
Right?! Its not like shes remorseless, power abusing tyrant just like his father, who forces people to stay in her empire as her tax/soul slaves and ruling through fear and abuse. Its not like she has murdered countless people including tons of people just for ingredients for her cake/tea party, does Sanji even know about that or worse, can overlook it?

I guess Oda was foreshadowing Sanjis "betrayal" of the SHs at WCI, peak fiction as usual Goda-sama, let me slurp you now.

Its not like shes trying to murder all his loved ones, including having her childen and crew trying to shoot his family dead in front of him and he was meant to be killed too under that false wedding and he and his family were being unsurprisingly played all along. She was trying to actively murder his crewmates and friends too. His found family.

I hate this whole indiscirminately feeding anyone mentality that Sanji has or doctors healing anyone regardless of sides. I can kinda understand why they do it, but I don't approve of it regardless.

Where's his outrage over Lucci almost killing Stussy too? Does she not matter to him now? Is he not bothered because she didn't accept his request to be her dog? /s. If anything, Sanji should be going fucking SAVAGE mode on Lucci for what he did to Robin and put her through, for being an outright threat to her, Nami, Bonney etc, for almost killiing Stussy and such. But at least hes facing Kizaru so I can't complain about that ofc.

Seriously though, Odas writing for Sanji has been such a mess post TS. I regret wishing for more backstory for him and such. There are parts of it I like, such as Reiju, Sora, him feeding the mice as children, how much of a sweetheart Sanji always has been from day 1 and the whole climatic, actually satisfying build up of him destroying the raid suit, only for him to get a free Germa powerup regardless and Oda to double down on the fucking science shit, especially in this science themed arc after Wano. Thanks Oda.

Sanji was perfect with the Zeff backstory, I and some others asked for far too much, we should have been happy with what we were given, instead of being greedy/gluttonous, asking for too much food on the plate so to speak, acting like its a buffet or adding too many ingredients to a dish.

Sanji has that sort of Batman code where he refuses to poison his enemies, like Batman refuses to kill and avoid going down a slippery slope, of moving a goalpost with his strongly held morals, his self imposed principles (Zeff is like Sanjis Alfred too, a major adoptive father figure for him and helped him to become a man, shape him into who he is etc) BUT Sanji is perfectly fine with feeding poison and razor blades to his own figurative brother who treats him FAR better than his own real brothers, who is far more loyal to him and even KNOCKED SANJI OUT SO SANJI DIDNT HAVE TO SACRIFICE HIS LIFE AND HIS ADOPTIVE MARIMO BROTHER WOULD DO IT FOR HIM INSTEAD, LIKE A TRUE BROTHER WOULD!

But you know. Oda is perfect, his writing is perfect. Sanji is perfect and how dare you suggest/think/say otherwise, heathen.

One Thing these One Piece Stans hate aside from criticism is critical thinking too. They're keep ignoring the obvious cracks, the ones that keep getting bigger as they get ignored, they keep pretending they're not there and the ship or wall isn't going to fall apart, if it hasn't already. They're pretending the Titanic isn't sinking.