With the reveal that Yamato is a female and is on the same level as a commander, I think there is a slight chance that Yamato will fight and defeat Smoothie that is if Oda wants to have the BMP be defeated during the war.
Usually Oda likes to have the female protagonist fight against against the female antagonist especially if they are both attractive, for a while there was no female character on the protagonist side strong enough to take on Smoothie and knowing Oda he probably wasn't going to have a male character fight her. However this all changes now with Yamato who is not only a female character but is also as strong as a commander, so if Oda is going to have the BMP be defeated during the war then I think a fight between Yamato and Smoothie might happen.
Usually Oda likes to have the female protagonist fight against against the female antagonist especially if they are both attractive, for a while there was no female character on the protagonist side strong enough to take on Smoothie and knowing Oda he probably wasn't going to have a male character fight her. However this all changes now with Yamato who is not only a female character but is also as strong as a commander, so if Oda is going to have the BMP be defeated during the war then I think a fight between Yamato and Smoothie might happen.