Biggest 2025 expectation?

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Didnt you read "Richer history"?
Milan is more important to football than Barca
And that’s why I keep telling you that you have no football knowledge if you’re saying with a straight face that Milan has a richer history.

first of all, there’s literally only one club that can arguably say they have more history than Barça: Real Madrid ( it’s still debatable)

We’re talking about Barça, a club that had majority of the best players in history. A club that made an insane impact on football’s history with a unique style of play ( that inspired A Lot of modern coaches), 2 of the best coaches EVER, The best player EVER, the best academy EVER.

You still wanna tell me Milan is bigger just because "mOrE uCl" 🤣🤣
A nice bedtime story while y'all wait for spoilers!


We all have our favorite meal, some people like a simple healthy salad, others enjoy a cheesy pizza.

I am a massive steak fan, but for it to suit my taste it has to be prepared in a specific way.

You see the trick is to let the meat marinate in honey for quite some time before serving it.

Succulent meat combined with sweet honey, there's nothing tastier in this world.

Some steak connoisseurs prefer dry aged meat, but I enjoy it the most when the meat is younger as long as it's marinated in all natural honey.

Natural honey is absolutely necessary when preparing this incredible meal, if you use the fake honey they sell in supermarkets, you're gonna end up with a far inferior steak.

Honestly, I'd rather throw something like that away.

Fortunately for me, I know exactly where to acquire honey of the highest possible quality.

I go to the local bazaar every weekend, as soon as I get there the honey seller I trust the most waves at me, knowing that I'm not leaving the bazaar without at least ten jars of his honey.

Albert is an older gentleman, probably in his seventies, he's easy to recognize, you can't miss his gray beard and friendly smile even from a mile away.

He's been a beekeeper for almost forty-five years, there's dozens of honey sellers at the bazaar, but none of them have the amount of experience he has, that is very noticeable when you try the honey he sells.

He's a hard-working man that seemingly never misses a day at work, during the coldest days of winter I'd still find old Albert at the bazaar, while I'm wearing my scarf and my leather gloves, Albert is dressed almost like it's spring time, If I ask him if he's cold, He'd just crack a joke and say "Don't worry, the bees keep me warm!".

When I first met Albert, he shook my hand and gave me a small jar of honey, he looked me straight in the eyes and said "First one's free, I'll be surprised if you don't come back for more after trying my honey, it's organic and unfiltered, I like to think the price isn't too bad either."

As soon as I tried Albert's honey, I was hooked. One small jar with an "Old Bear's Honey" sticker plastered on it was all that it took to turn me into a regular customer of his.

Organic and unfiltered, exactly as Albert said, perfect for turning your regular steak into a five star restaurant quality dish.

Unfortunately, as much as I loved Albert's honey, I'll have to find a new supplier soon.

Eleven children went missing in my town last week, they were aged from six to ten years old and the police logically assumed a serial kidnapper was on the loose.

The search for the missing children lasted only two days before the police found one of them.

The child was a seven year old boy, he was found dead in the local park, his nose and mouth were taped shut and large amounts of honey were injected into his nose.

The police immediately researched the nearby area and found a vital piece of evidence in a garbage can.

Inside the garbage can was an empty honey jar, even though the sticker on the jar was scratched off almost completely, they quickly found out who the jar belonged to.

Albert was arrested soon after, the fingerprints found on the jar of honey at the crime scene were a perfect match to Albert's.

During questioning the old man had a stroke, which in return left him in a comatose state.

The police are hopeful Albert will wake up from the coma, because he's currently the only person that can lead them to the rest of the missing children, or so they think.

You probably want to know what I think about all of this, right?

Honestly, I'm just glad I stocked up on honey while Albert was still selling it.

If I hadn't stocked up on honey, I wouldn't be able to feed the kids properly and then their flesh would taste just like regular old steak.

Their diet consists of only honey and water, three times a day.

If I included anything else in their diet, the meat wouldn't taste as good, believe me I've tried.

The younglings seem to be enjoying their stay at my basement for now, if you don't pay attention to the never-ending screaming and begging.

I'm getting hungry, so before I go grab a sweet and savory snack, I'll tell you how you can tell when the meat is ready for the grill!

It's simple, as soon as the skin and eyes get a yellowish hue, you know the meat is ready to go!

I'm very excited, I checked up on the kids about an hour ago and the youngest of them, a girl which thanks to the police I now know is six years old is definitely ready for the grill, her eyes have that sweet golden color now.

I'll sharpen my knife and go get her in five minutes, here's a fun fact before I go.

I only realized what the names and the ages of the kids were because of the police.

I must admit I never asked the children for their names, I didn't even talk to them.

That's only natural, right?

I'm sure you don't talk to your dinner before eating it.
And that’s why I keep telling you have no football knowledge if you’re saying with a straight face that Milan has a richer history.

first of all, there’s literally only one club that can arguably say they have more history than Barça: Real Madrid ( it’s still debatable)

We’re talking about Barça, a club that had majority of the best players in history. A club that made an insane impact on football’s history with a unique style of play ( that inspired A Lot of modern coaches), 2 of the best coaches EVER, The best player EVER, the best academy EVER.

You still wanna tell me Milan is bigger just because "mOrE uCl" 🤣🤣
Milan has 3 of the biggest squads of all time: 61-69, 88-93 and 03-08
Milan is basically the third greatest club in terms of "had majority of the best players in history"
Milan is a successful club over the decades

And not forget: Italian league was the greatest football league for 3 decades. It was not easy be the greatest club in italy against all squads formed btw 1980-2007 in Serie A