My main argument to put Milan above Barca is that Milan is basically being one of the 3 biggest clubs in europe since the 60s. I know that since 2010 Milan became a B tier club, but it still 5 decades of supremacy
Again the thing is, Barça’s best ever era had a much bigger impact on football than Milan’s best era. That’s just the way it is. It’s not like I’m saying there’s an insane gap between the two either.
Any predictions for the Elden Ring DLC trailer fellas?
I wanna see big monster
And a cool new spirit summon
Miquella and Godwyn focused are the safest guesses, but setting wise I assume you enter Miquella's weird cocoon or some shit after defeating Mohg and its some weird new dreamscape

Otherwise, new addition center of the map but From doesnt generally do this