Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 21 13.4%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 7.6%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 7 4.5%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 97 61.8%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 20 12.7%

  • Total voters


A man, my son 🌊
So they all throw a tantrum, no spoiler this week, and then we all suffer.
damn it.
I think if this patterns continues for 2-3 more chapters, people will begin to go back to normalizing not reading spoilers and break that habit. Then when leakers do start spoiling, no one will be around because they stopped caring.

Conejo Bros wish you the best Kid Bros
May he do well in Elbaf
Honestly I think Kidd has potential and if the guy writing him wasn't Oda he'd probably be really strong and versatile
But I don't like Kidd anymore because a lot of his fans just act like absolute fools for no reason, that was the main reason I stopped being a Sanji fan.
You can use it as an anti-infection and anti-bacterial medicine on skin yes.
Thats new for me, i didn't knew that rose water could mix with lemonade:suresure:
welp i'm learning something new today thanks:kata:
Rose water actually gets used to flavour biryanis too, its amazing. Also use for rose flavour Turkish Delight AFAIK too.
Biryanis???! This one right?!

This looks so good, just look like my favourite Nasi Goreng LMAO
now i'm hungry lol
Wait till you learn about red heads. It's like a slip and slide.:suresure:............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................yea we need the spoilers :josad:

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
This looks so good, just look like my favourite Nasi Goreng LMAO
now i'm hungry lol
Yeah man! Biryani is fucking amazing, it is kinda similar to Nasi Goreng AFAIK although I've not eaten that, only Biryanis lmao. Lmaoooo same, I'm getting hungry now, I love chicken and rice dishes, especially with a bit of spice to them!

Biryanis can be made with chicken, goat, lamb, even fish I believe or vegetable ones. They can variate some of the ingredients/toppings, especially depending which culture/country makes it and thus their own preferred methods/beliefs and such ofc.

Biryani is pure happiness, my grandma used to make amazing ones, it was one of her best dishes especially when she added potatoes to it too. I also started adding lemon juice to it when I eat it, like I do with some of my Indian food and it takes it to the NEXT LEVEL too. To absolutely die for!

Some of my neighbours who are Muslim make amazing ones too.

I've always wanted to cook for the homeless and setup my own food business too, maybe I should do a biryani themed business or at least preferably feeding biryani to the homeless and other disadvantaged people in need of food ofc.

I'm not very good at cooking most dishes but I know I can get better, especially if I actually focus/discipline myself, prep a lot better and such. Gotta stop rushing so much too and taking shortcuts.

Biryani is quite complex and time consuming though, some people think its one of the hardest dishes to make, especially to get it truly right/authentic, there's so many different takes on how to make it, how to get it right, what to put in it etc, its extremely versatile.