Who here knows and likes the Tv Tropes website ?
I discovered this site by chance recently while browsing the internet, and I really liked it.
From this site, I learned the meaning of "tropes" in the world of fiction. I learned from reading this site about all the common tropes I saw in the forms of media I consumed in my life.
This is an example of the cool things about the Information Age: Everything needs to have a name and a definition.
Here are two examples of tropes we've seen in Japanese pop culture:
The trope "Evil Makes you Ugly".
The trope "Chick Magnet".
@Moegara @CoC: Color of Clowns @SDfear @EmperorKinyagi @Etzel Andergast @Toby D. Dog @Jailer
@Embers Kaios @Julius @soupongo @Juanpiz @Kurozumi Wiwi @Rej @AL sama @SakazOuki @Buusatan94
@Bisoromi Bear @mly90 @BangOO🍅 @Jaguark101 @Yoho @Pot Goblin @park_min young @PuckTheGreat
@Mathias @Warchief Sanji D Goat @Poorsalino Cooker @Roo @RayanOO @Elder Lee Hung @HA001
@NikaInParis @Kizaruber Eats @Naomi @Tyki_Mikk @DarkWitch @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier @MonsterKaido
@moreha9685 @Cross_Marian
I discovered this site by chance recently while browsing the internet, and I really liked it.
From this site, I learned the meaning of "tropes" in the world of fiction. I learned from reading this site about all the common tropes I saw in the forms of media I consumed in my life.
This is an example of the cool things about the Information Age: Everything needs to have a name and a definition.
Here are two examples of tropes we've seen in Japanese pop culture:
The trope "Evil Makes you Ugly".

The trope "Chick Magnet".

@Moegara @CoC: Color of Clowns @SDfear @EmperorKinyagi @Etzel Andergast @Toby D. Dog @Jailer
@Embers Kaios @Julius @soupongo @Juanpiz @Kurozumi Wiwi @Rej @AL sama @SakazOuki @Buusatan94
@Bisoromi Bear @mly90 @BangOO🍅 @Jaguark101 @Yoho @Pot Goblin @park_min young @PuckTheGreat
@Mathias @Warchief Sanji D Goat @Poorsalino Cooker @Roo @RayanOO @Elder Lee Hung @HA001
@NikaInParis @Kizaruber Eats @Naomi @Tyki_Mikk @DarkWitch @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier @MonsterKaido
@moreha9685 @Cross_Marian