Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 21 13.4%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 7.6%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 7 4.5%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 97 61.8%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 20 12.7%

  • Total voters
Who here knows and likes the Tv Tropes website ?
I discovered this site by chance recently while browsing the internet, and I really liked it.
From this site, I learned the meaning of "tropes" in the world of fiction. I learned from reading this site about all the common tropes I saw in the forms of media I consumed in my life.
This is an example of the cool things about the Information Age: Everything needs to have a name and a definition.
Here are two examples of tropes we've seen in Japanese pop culture:
The trope "Evil Makes you Ugly".

The trope "Chick Magnet".

@Moegara @CoC: Color of Clowns @SDfear @EmperorKinyagi @Etzel Andergast @Toby D. Dog @Jailer
@Embers Kaios @Julius @soupongo @Juanpiz @Kurozumi Wiwi @Rej @AL sama @SakazOuki @Buusatan94
@Bisoromi Bear @mly90 @BangOO🍅 @Jaguark101 @Yoho @Pot Goblin @park_min young @PuckTheGreat
@Mathias @Warchief Sanji D Goat @Poorsalino Cooker @Roo @RayanOO @Elder Lee Hung @HA001
@NikaInParis @Kizaruber Eats @Naomi @Tyki_Mikk @DarkWitch @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier @MonsterKaido
@moreha9685 @Cross_Marian
Who here knows and likes the Tv Tropes website ?
I discovered this site by chance recently while browsing the internet, and I really liked it.
From this site, I learned the meaning of "tropes" in the world of fiction. I learned from reading this site about all the common tropes I saw in the forms of media I consumed in my life.
This is an example of the cool things about the Information Age: Everything needs to have a name and a definition.
Here are two examples of tropes we've seen in Japanese pop culture:
The trope "Evil Makes you Ugly".

The trope "Chick Magnet".

@Moegara @CoC: Color of Clowns @SDfear @EmperorKinyagi @Etzel Andergast @Toby D. Dog @Jailer
@Embers Kaios @Julius @soupongo @Juanpiz @Kurozumi Wiwi @Rej @AL sama @SakazOuki @Buusatan94
@Bisoromi Bear @mly90 @BangOO🍅 @Jaguark101 @Yoho @Pot Goblin @park_min young @PuckTheGreat
@Mathias @Warchief Sanji D Goat @Poorsalino Cooker @Roo @RayanOO @Elder Lee Hung @HA001
@NikaInParis @Kizaruber Eats @Naomi @Tyki_Mikk @DarkWitch @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier @MonsterKaido
@moreha9685 @Cross_Marian
I love that site.

I didn't know about the Evil Makes You Ugly trope in particular but that has always been a complaint of mine with BnHA, trope or no trope. It applied to not just Shigaraki, but also AFO and Dabi, while the heroes at most sustained small scars or wounds to their bodies that would never be shown again.

Endeavor was a bit of an exception. Endeavor #1.
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Who here knows and likes the Tv Tropes website ?
I discovered this site by chance recently while browsing the internet, and I really liked it.
From this site, I learned the meaning of "tropes" in the world of fiction. I learned from reading this site about all the common tropes I saw in the forms of media I consumed in my life.
This is an example of the cool things about the Information Age: Everything needs to have a name and a definition.
Here are two examples of tropes we've seen in Japanese pop culture:
The trope "Evil Makes you Ugly".

The trope "Chick Magnet".

@Moegara @CoC: Color of Clowns @SDfear @EmperorKinyagi @Etzel Andergast @Toby D. Dog @Jailer
@Embers Kaios @Julius @soupongo @Juanpiz @Kurozumi Wiwi @Rej @AL sama @SakazOuki @Buusatan94
@Bisoromi Bear @mly90 @BangOO🍅 @Jaguark101 @Yoho @Pot Goblin @park_min young @PuckTheGreat
@Mathias @Warchief Sanji D Goat @Poorsalino Cooker @Roo @RayanOO @Elder Lee Hung @HA001
@NikaInParis @Kizaruber Eats @Naomi @Tyki_Mikk @DarkWitch @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier @MonsterKaido
@moreha9685 @Cross_Marian
Yeah, tv tropes is fun

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
Who here knows and likes the Tv Tropes website ?
I discovered this site by chance recently while browsing the internet, and I really liked it.
From this site, I learned the meaning of "tropes" in the world of fiction. I learned from reading this site about all the common tropes I saw in the forms of media I consumed in my life.
This is an example of the cool things about the Information Age: Everything needs to have a name and a definition.
Here are two examples of tropes we've seen in Japanese pop culture:
The trope "Evil Makes you Ugly".

The trope "Chick Magnet".

@Moegara @CoC: Color of Clowns @SDfear @EmperorKinyagi @Etzel Andergast @Toby D. Dog @Jailer
@Embers Kaios @Julius @soupongo @Juanpiz @Kurozumi Wiwi @Rej @AL sama @SakazOuki @Buusatan94
@Bisoromi Bear @mly90 @BangOO🍅 @Jaguark101 @Yoho @Pot Goblin @park_min young @PuckTheGreat
@Mathias @Warchief Sanji D Goat @Poorsalino Cooker @Roo @RayanOO @Elder Lee Hung @HA001
@NikaInParis @Kizaruber Eats @Naomi @Tyki_Mikk @DarkWitch @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier @MonsterKaido
@moreha9685 @Cross_Marian
Aye I know TV Tropes, it's very addictive and thus a very deep rabbit hole to go down once you get into it, like a media focused version of Wikipedia in a way or media encyclopaedia (that sounds catchy lol).

I learned a lot of stuff from it and still find useful, fascinating stuff of it, I got a few articles bookmarked atm from the site to read soon too. Such an amazingly useful site.

There's at least one channel dedicated to talking about individual tropes and such on Youtube too, Tropes Explained I think? Oh wait its called Trope Talk on Overly Sarcastic Productions. Here is their channel, you might find it interesting and thus of value and such too:

Probably a country takeover, or general save someone/people mission which lead to Ace defeating Hanafuda.

Tbh he should do a movie of an arc involving Ace and him, not these non canon movies we get everytime, why not animate some of Ace's adventure from his view, Hanafuda is a waste of a design at least put him into use there in a good movie

But they might do that after OP ends decades later to milk content
I think Oda would probably do more other stories like Ace's and even Dragon's over doing something like a GT or Super.