Translate to American plz :josad:

Of course, I feel that I must give you my experience every once in a while to make you aware of the future and not make the same mistakes as me. I am a person who every day passes and regrets something I did before. I improve like everyone else. Of course, it is one of the things that I regret in particular, and now I hate it even though I used to do it. These are the hints mentioned in the spoiler. Or the idea of insinuations. I regret every moment in which I conveyed a hint or insinuated at all that I am sitting and talking about. For example, I put this emoji “ 😱📷 ” is a manga, “Your father is walking in a swarm, and that’s it, there is no need to gas. In the beginning, I didn’t have anything, but when I see, for example.” The Spaniard dropped a hint, I went to copy it and posted it again, and it developed and he started communicating things to me, and I started dropping hints and imitating him, and then I thought to myself, why is he sitting there dragging us behind him and imitating him, and little by little I improved myself and I would like to tell you that I have become the largest foreign spoiler account currently, and I thank God first, and then everyone supported me so that I can develop in this way. If my account disappears one day, or I retire, or you decide to open an account in which you post a spoiler for a specific job, do not imitate those in the arena, stay in your own way and you will succeed, and do not forget anyone’s rights.

Kizaruber Eats

Wake me up when One Piece (actually/ever) ends.
Translate to American plz :josad:
You got it, partner! 🤠🍔🇺🇸 Let me tell ya, it's like I gotta share my experience with y'all every now and then to keep ya on the right track and steer ya away from makin' the same boneheaded mistakes I did. I'm the kinda guy who's always lookin' back on what I did and tryin' to grow, just like everybody else.

Now, one thing I gotta say I ain't too proud of, especially now that I'm downright sick of it, is this whole deal of droppin' hints or spoilers. Dang, I regret every darn time I dropped a hint or let somethin' slip, like throwin' in the "😱😱" emoji to suggest your pops might be the mastermind in a mystery. Ain't no need for it, just ruins the whole dang thing.

At first, I didn't really mind it none, but then I saw folks doin' it, like some 🇪🇸 Spanish hint or whatever, and I started copyin' 'em, puttin' my own spin on it. Evolved, started gettin' hints myself, and ended up mimickin' 'em.

Then I got to thinkin', why the heck am I just followin' the crowd like a lost dawg🐶? Slowly but surely, I got better at it, and I gotta tell ya, now I'm one of the biggest spoiler accounts in the whole darn English-speaking world, praise the Lord above and thanks to all y'all who supported me on this journey. Phooo-weeee!!! 🎉🔫🍟🌟

So, if one day my account vanishes into thin air, or if I hang up my hat, or if you decide to start your own account to spill the beans on work-related stuff, don't go copyin' what's already out there. Find your own darn way, it'll work out, and don't go forgettin' nobody's rights, ya hear? Yeehaw! 🇺🇸🍔🤠🌵🚗🌟🔥🌭🎆

Of course, I feel it's necessary to share my experience with you from time to time to guide you for the future and prevent you from making the same mistakes I did. I'm a person who constantly reflects on past actions and evolves like anyone else.

One of the things I regret, especially now that I've come to dislike it, is the practice of dropping hints or spoilers. I regret every moment I hinted or alluded to something while speaking, like using the "😱😱" emoji to indicate your dad might be the culprit in a mystery. It's unnecessary and ruins the fun.

At first, I didn't have anything against it, but when I saw others doing it, like a Spanish hint, I started copying and doing it differently. I evolved, started receiving hints, and began imitating them.

Then I thought to myself, why am I following this trend blindly? I gradually improved myself and wanted to share with you that I'm currently one of the largest spoiler accounts in English, thanks be to God first and then to everyone who supported me to evolve in this way.

So, if my account disappears one day, or if I retire, or if you decide to start an account to share specific work-related spoilers, don't imitate what's already out there. Find your own unique way; it will succeed, and don't forget anyone's rights.
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Translate to American plz :josad:
Translation said:
Of course, I feel that I must give you my experience every once in a while to make you aware of the future and not make the same mistakes as me. I am a person who every day passes and regrets something I did before. I improve like everyone else. Of course, it is one of the things that I regret in particular, and now I hate it even though I used to do it. These are the hints mentioned in the spoiler. Or the idea of insinuations. I regret every moment in which I conveyed a hint or insinuated at all that I am sitting and talking about. For example, I put this emoji “ ” is a manga, “Your father is walking in a swarm, and that’s it, there is no need to gas. In the beginning, I didn’t have anything, but when I see, for example.” The Spaniard dropped a hint, I went to copy it and posted it again, and it developed and he started communicating things to me, and I started dropping hints and imitating him, and then I thought to myself, why is he sitting there dragging us behind him and imitating him, and little by little I improved myself and I would like to tell you that I have become the largest foreign spoiler account currently, and I thank God first, and then everyone supported me so that I can develop in this way. If my account disappears one day, or I retire, or you decide to open an account in which you post a spoiler for a specific job, do not imitate those in the arena, stay in your own way and you will succeed, and do not forget anyone’s rights.