Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1108 Spoilers Discussion

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Sanji didn’t have 4 other people in his fight bro, how many times I gotta tell y’all a group fight like that allows characters to look more impressive then they actually are.
Sanji had Luffy by his side, who is combined stronger than rooftop Luffy, kid law n killer
wtf are u smoking

Sanji did no shit rather than running away like a bitch
It’s offically over for Sanji as a character after this moment luffy sees him as a distraction he rather fight two top tiers at once

Meanwhile zoro carried luffy on the roof top and would have died without him
Fodder called himself Stussy's dog yet actually did nothing when his master was one shotted

Did Lucci secretly used his CoC there and tamed the little dog?
Cap. Why would he even have to rely on regular CO when he used future sight on a basic pacifist when he went to detect the police Kuma?

That makes no damn sense
Then why are you saying bullshit things like "He FoRcED LuFfFy" when he literally used on Pacifista that doesn't do anything? Did Pacifista "force" Luffy to use FS too?

Not to mention Luffy used future sight, and he knew what that guy was going to do seconds later, while there is no reason to use future sight for something as simple as attacking. Knowing where to attack is enough; there is literally no reason for any more Haki usage than that.

Pulling information from your ass doesn't make sense with support for something that isn't the same scenario or outcome.
Imagine got hyped last chapter just for running in the next chapter.
Sanji vs S-shark offscrened
Sanji vs Saturn not doing any damage
Sanji vs Kizaru, Sanji already put his germa eyebrow but just for running?
Only things sanji fans got in this arc is him cosplaying Sakura haruno moment.
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