Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1108 Spoilers Discussion

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I just realised something but the foddermirals are masters at sneaking injured old men. LMFAO.
Foddermiral Clifford - Oldbeard after he got backstabbed etc etc
Foddermiral Luzan - Garp after he fought half a Yonko crew and also got sneaked
Fodermiral Lizaru - succeeding in doing the best (anti)feat, sneaking a badly injured old corpse of a fodder
Imagine needing to sneak on somebody the equivalent of Ussopp when his so injured he can't even move :gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh:
I just realised something but the foddermirals are masters at sneaking injured old men. LMFAO.

Foddermiral Clifford - Oldbeard after he got backstabbed etc etc

Foddermiral Luzan - Garp after he fought half a Yonko crew and also got sneaked

Fodermiral Lizaru - succeeding in doing the best (anti)feat, sneaking a badly injured old corpse of a fodder
Imagine needing to sneak on somebody lesser then Ussopp when his so injured he can't even move.
If Saturn only starts showing impressive feats via his DF, then that would only prove my point lol.

Don’t forget Saturn got obliterated by 2HP Kuma and lost an arm to a falling building

The only difference between Saturn and Spandam is that Saturn ate a Devil fruit
I didn't wanna add you to my list of Saturn hate posts that I will quote when the raws drop because you're just trolling but this is too good for me not to quote it
Nope just Sanji Luffy fought an admiral Sanji didn’t do shit
Do you even hear yourself? You saying Luffy doesn't have the duty to protect Vegapunk when their mission is to kill Vegapunk?

Summary isn't even out and you are making huge assumptions

I mean, you gonna vanish once you get proven wrong, as always, then come back in a few days pretending that nothing happened
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