Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1108 Spoilers Discussion

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I know people are made luffy is “hurting” Saturn along with kizaru but tbf Saturn has still yet to do anything to prove he’s an actual top tier

Saturn has not proved himself comparable to either kizaru or luffy
It isn’t like luffy is manhandling two admiral or emperors at once. Luffy beating Saturn at this point isn’t really wank at all

Instead of getting a form that's more suited for combat Saturn got an even beastlier mode to suit the ancient Robot
@Paperchampion23 @Pringles @Durableguy
Kaiju fight
Mech vs monster
Science vs science
zoro blocked it and luffy didnt

do you think zoro can stand there no defense up at all and not bleed from kaido's air slash?
I believe that if Zoro can defend himself with a casual swing no Acoc, G5 Luffy (which according to Kaido is continuously coated with it) can most surely defend against it.

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