Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1108 Spoilers Discussion

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Greenbull got done in by Wi-Fi haki, Aokiji's getting blitzed by an injured and retired 78-year old, Fujitora has literally no top-tier feats. Is Kizaru really the disappointment here?
I'm not talking about the power scaling, I'm talking about how disrespected the character is.
Kizaru looks pathetic the whole arc, he didn't do anything really impressive, in fact everything he tried he failed, just like the stupidest +100 year old creature with negative IQ, Saint Jaygarcia Saturn.
Maybe it's not Kizaru's fault, after all, he's just unlucky to have such a a fraud on his side.:milaugh::milaugh:

Why is it that everytime you try to use that "has he drawn blood" argument, it backfires onto you, badly? Like, isn't this the second time? Last time you used it against Luffy, Kizaru was left cradling his bleeding forehead from a basic haki punch, this time round you used it, and your boy just got his internals turned into smush. Maybe its a bad omen now (for Kizaru, that is) :gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::suresure::suresure::suresure::suresure::suresure::suresure::suresure::suresure::luffylaugh::luffylaugh::luffylaugh::luffylaugh::luffylaugh::lulz::lulz::lulz::lulz::kailaugh::kailaugh::kailaugh::kailaugh::rolaugh::rolaugh::rolaugh:
Wowzers, Kizaru's finally bleeding after 20 chapters. Meanwhile...



Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
I don't see Borsalino being an admiral after Egghead

Imo Borsalino is going down in Egghead and he will be defeated by Zoro
Orange/Peach Admiral hype, woooooo!

Oda will reveal Fujitora was killed offscreen by Mihawk/random civilians hunting his bounty for Cross Guild/falling down stairs since hes blind or falling off the ship and drowning or the WG remembered to execute him for his insubordination, peak fiction!

Then finally Gion and Chaton can be Admirals as they deserve and we will get Orange/Peach and Brown Admirals! /s.

Yes I am going more insane, why do you ask?

Am I supposed to be sad that G5 Luffy finally managed to make Kizaru bleed 😂? Why are you hell bent on my enjoyment of this chapter, Kizaru stood on business and if Vegapunk is really dead this is a massive moment in this series, meaningful deaths are hard to come by. An Admiral potentially delivered another classic.

Nothing I've seen so far has me worried powerscaling wise. I saw Momo without haki make Kaidou cry out in pain. Big picture Ndule, you're focused on crumbs.
You fell off hard bro, completely washed up:whitepress:
The Sunny and everyone in the Labophase will almost certainly fall to the Fabriophase, so we can still get the Straw Hats and Giants vs the Marines while Luffy fucks around with Kizaru and Saturn
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