Its funny you say that, I remember even before the G5 reveal, someone wishing that Kaidos awakening would let him turn the ground and objects into dragons, that would have been so funny! A whole army of mini dragon form Kaidos potentially, imagine them all worororoing too?! In a higher pitched voice too maybe? Kaido and his minions lmao.
I think rather than dragons some sort of flaming cloud production/manipulation from other sources or straight up imbuing his kanabo with flaming clouds like what Law does with his awakening
It's hilarious to me that Kizaru said "you've all grown splendidly, now show me your growth" to Franky and Sanji just to fucking clown on them for the next three chapters outside of Sanji blocking ONE laser.

@Kurozumi Wiwi
Most consistent Oda dialogue
No wonder some fans only look at the pictires for their agenda - characters contradict themselves more than politicians
It's hilarious to me that Kizaru said "you've all grown splendidly, now show me your growth" to Franky and Sanji just to fucking clown on them for the next three chapters outside of Sanji blocking ONE laser.

@Kurozumi Wiwi
What about Luffy saying that his crew grew 100 times stronger to Kizaru for them to not beat a single VA or sink a single marine ship?
I might be an admiral guy but I have never seen an author despises his main cast as much as Oda does. Guess he afraid of them taking popularity away from Luffy if he let them shine lmao