How long will these 10 minutes take?

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No. He is fighting Sabo.

Sabo feels the need to avenge Ace.

He has Ace fruit

It completes the circle of fire surpassing magma
Nonsense, Dragon is Akainu's rival.
Sabo does not hold any grudges agains the marines, he said that himself to fujitora.
It was already established that his fruit is too weak to beat magma.
Sabo is just too weak and irrelevant, sorry sadboy
The only thing we see is Luffy Troll diffing Lucci in G5. We shall never know how G4, G3, G2 would do against Lucci because we haven't SEEN it on panel. That's your own logic. So neither of us can claim that he "needed" G5 to beat Lucci. He needed it to no diff him, sure, but not needed to beat him overall.
Nah. We were then shown how each lucci I'm regular hybrid and g4 luffy equally performed against seraphim. There was 0 difference in their speed, AP, maunverability, and reaction speed with oda showing several panels of then together using simultaneously attacks
Nope. Scars hurt more even if they don't drop you to the knee. One can push you down or back and make you fall but that doesn't hurt as much as a scar.
nice cope,:pepecopium: it even came from zolo's mouth that he wants to at least knock down Kaido LMAO

and there's literally zero evidence that shows that the paper cut wounds Kaido receive from zolo affected him negatively unlike with Law scrambling Doflamingo's innards
Fuck what he thought he could do. He still scarred him permanently.
Who else has scarred him permanently? Only one other person.

They'll use Kaidou's word as if it came directly from Oda's mouth when it's about other stuff but when he says Zoro did enough and it gave him a permanent scar they think he's a liar lmao
What's the point exactly of having a permanent scar? Did Oden achieve anything with his permanent scar? No, nothing. Did Zoro? No. The only thing achieved was Kaido saying "you gave me a scar". In the grand scheme of things, that scar literally did nothing.
It does just before getting KO'd. You don't see him not getting KO'd either. So until we see one or the other, we are stuck. Based on the evidence (Lucci claiming he is in the process of losing consciousness), we have to believe that he did get KO'd. There is ZERO evidence that he didn't get KO'd, but some evidence that he did.
No we see him up the next page. We dont even have a dialogue stating that he was koed lol.

So not only do we not get a panel of him being koed we also don't get a panel of anyone else acknowledging that he was even koed
Nah. We were then shown how each lucci I'm regular hybrid and g4 luffy equally performed against seraphim. There was 0 difference in their speed, AP, maunverability, and reaction speed with oda showing several panels of then together using simultaneously attacks
Fighting against a Seraphim together is not the same as them fighting against each other. Two different things.
These the same little freaks that still hide behind "muh papercut" cope. longterm trolling is a sign of mental deficiency, so they can't help saying retarded shit on here
Don't forget that the hole that Katakuri created by stabbing Luffy's body is healed, didn't even leave a mark. Thats the real Papercut.

Next arc

Where they at
And Katakuri was supposed to be stronger than Zoro by this dude logic. Lol:suresure:
No we see him up the next page. We dont even have a dialogue stating that he was koed lol.

So not only do we not get a panel of him being koed we also don't get a panel of anyone else acknowledging that he was even koed
You don't need a panel for everything, you can use deductive reasoning. We don't see him non-ko'd in that instance. But we do see him claiming that he is losing consciousness. Keep being deluded
Fighting against a Seraphim together is not the same as them fighting against each other. Two different things.
Cute except both uses attacks akin to each other

Lucci internal destruction moves next to luffy using internal destruction moves in g4. None was shown having any better feat once fighting the exact same opponent in their forms
Cute except both uses attacks akin to each other

Lucci internal destruction moves next to luffy using internal destruction moves in g4. None was shown having any better feat once fighting the exact same opponent in their forms
What exactly about their attacks is "akin to each other"? We know seraphims are invincible with flames on, so how can you compare which one is stronger?
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