How long will these 10 minutes take?

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Come on bro, you know fully well the history of ZKK and how well that shit devolved and ruined most conversations regarding Wano for over 3 years.

Its one thing to have a theory, and initial theories were fine. Its another to watch an entire fanbase delude themselves and flame others for not agreeing with the same mass delusion.
This is so funny because it's exactly what he does when someone debunks his posts spamming about Luffy vs Kizaru and the Ancient Robot vs Saturn happening

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
Very well said, it literally ended, in fact, see how the Goroseis showed concern about Shanks, and even raised the hypothesis that world conquest may be something that the ambition of Shanks' conqueror's haki not aims for, however this may be precisely what Shanks may also be aiming, basically among the emperors Shanks is the only one so far, Kaidou wanted the world, Big Mom allying with him wanted the same, BB wants the same, Luffy's dream may include something like this or similar, WB was the "king of the sea", and Shanks can show interest just as he started to have an interest in the OP.

It's no wonder Kaidou called the government arrogant when they thought they could now stop them with the new seraphim.:suresure::suresure:
You mean the same Crydo who lost to the Wano alliance with the help of Big Meme lol
Can't wait to see the GOAT 1 v 2 this chapter where's your guy?


Offpaneled like his back story

Keeping the guy G5 couldn't put down at bay. Don't worry Zoro will always be there to mop up Goofy's Ls. Ace and Vegapunk wouldn't be dead if he had been there.

Goofy always overestimating his capabilities :milaugh:
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