nah was just funny to look at this useres posts ,and you are on his heels already :suresure:
Tbh I don't really remember why I think rogersbase is an attention whore because I haven't watched a video of his in way over 2 years and when I did I wasn't very familiar with youtubers in general so maybe what I perceived as attention seeking is just normal youtuber behavior
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Note that it took him 4 months to respond to my post
Tbh I don't really remember why I think rogersbase is an attention whore because I haven't watched a video of his in way over 2 years and when I did I wasn't very familiar with youtubers in general so maybe what I perceived as attention seeking is just normal youtuber behavior
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Note that it took him 4 months to respond to my post
don‘t you watch any op youtubers?

so we can expect an answer in June :steef:
Something's been bugging me for a while now about Egghead and I couldn't figure it out until now. We've had so much exposition and stalling, yet Oda missed what was probably the last chance we might get of Vegapunk explaining how he figured out how to make objects "eat" devil fruits.
Guess that's another one for the unanswered questions bin or for the post-series SBS 12 years from now. :goatasure:

Zoro is furious because he can’t get past 1HP Lucci:kobeha:
Please don't bully Zolo lads' fanfiction. It's all they have left.
