Speculations The 6th Gorosei, Mother of Giants and Sea Kings, the Warrior God Gaia, and her son, Nika

Was Luffy's mom a Celestial Dragon?

  • Yes

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  • No

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  • Step-Charlos, I'm Gomu-Gomu-stuck in the washing machine and can't get out, help

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  • Hahahahahahaahaha I should really the remove the third poll option

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CoC: Color of Clowns

Supreme Grade Peacock Slashers
-Gaia was the Gorosei of Earth, and betrayed Imu by making children with non Celestial Dragons, creating the Giants, Sea Kings, and other races
-Imu imprisoned the Giants and other races underground, under Mary Geoise as slaves. Nika was Gaia's slave child who orchestrated a prison break out from underneath Mary Geoise.
-The Giants and Buccaneers like Kuma are hated and hunted because they have Celestial Dragon blood and are a mixed breed
-Luffy's mom was a CD, Garp kept Luffy hidden so no one would kill him for being a mixed breed, but Shanks, who rejects his CS status, fucked it up by making Luffy a pirate
-WG is now scared shitless that Luffy, a Celestial Dragon bastard child, will become King of the Pirates

Look who's back from the circus with a bunch of words you're not gonna read??????

If we look at the One Piece universe through the cosmos, it's obvious Oda is connecting characters to various astral bodies.

Luffy is the Sun God.
Blackbeard is most likely a Moon related deity:


Then, we have the ancient weapons, Pluton, Poseidon, and Uranus, representing Pluto (suck my ass NASA), Neptune, and Uranus as planets.

Finally, we have the Five Elder Stars, Warcury, V. Nusjuro, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

Anyone notice a problem? About a missing planet? The one we fucking live on, Earth? Or as it's probably known here, Gaia?

WELL that's where things get FUN. Say there WAS another Gorosei, the Warrior God of the planet earth. What happened to them? From Wikipedia:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaia#..., Gaia (/,sometimes parthenogenic—of all life.

In Greek mythology, Gaia (/ˈɡeɪə, ˈɡaɪə/;[2] Ancient Greek: Γαῖα, romanized: Gaîa, a poetic form of Γῆ (Gê), meaning 'land' or 'earth'),[3] also spelled Gaea (/ˈdʒiːə/),[2] is the personification of the Earth.[4] Gaia is the ancestral mother—sometimes parthenogenic—of all life. She is the mother of Uranus (Sky), from whose sexual union she bore the Titans (themselves parents of many of the Olympian gods), the Cyclopes, and the Giants; as well as of Pontus (Sea), from whose union she bore the primordial sea gods. Her equivalent in the Roman pantheon was Terra.[5]

According to Hesiod, Gaia conceived further offspring with her son, Uranus, first the giant one-eyed Cyclopes: Brontes ("Thunder"), Steropes ("Lightning"), and Arges ("Bright");[16] then the Hecatonchires: Cottus, Briareos, and Gyges, each with a hundred arms and fifty heads.[17] As each of the Cyclopes and Hecatonchires were born, Uranus hid them in a secret place within Gaia, causing her great pain. So Gaia devised a plan. She created a grey flint (or adamantine) sickle. And Cronus used the sickle to castrate his father Uranus as he approached his mother, Gaia, to have sex with her. From Uranus' spilled blood, Gaia produced the Erinyes, the Giants, and the Meliae (ash-tree nymphs). From the testicles of Uranus in the sea came forth Aphrodite.[18]

By her son, Pontus, Gaia bore the sea-deities Nereus, Thaumas, Phorcys, Ceto, and Eurybia.

So, long story short, Gaia created most of the ancient giant monsters found in Greek Mythology. This entirely explains the creations of the Giants and Sea Kings: Gaia, the 6th Gorosei, committed the ultimate sin, and mated with humans, the insects beneath the Celestial Dragons, the Gods of the world. Like Gaia in Greek Mythology, Gaia the Gorosei betrayed Imu and chose her cursed and scorned children over him and his world.

These giant beings imprisoned and living underground is a big part of Greek Mythology, and in some cases Norse mythology I believe. Who else is known for imprisoning people underground?

So, Imu, like Big Mom before him, probably has a giant collection of all the world's races imprisoned under Mary Geoise as his own personal slave collection.

No wonder the Giants hate these pieces of shit: the Celestial Dragons hate the Giants because they have Gaia's DNA and are all technically Celestial Dragons.

This is why Kuma is so despised as a Buccaneer, who has Giant and human blood: the Celestial Dragons have been trying to wipe out Gaia's children, who possess their bloodline, for all these centuries.

Nika was most likely a slave child of Gaia's who escaped Mary Geoise, and freed many other slaves, like Fisher Tiger and then Sabo after him.

This is why Bonney and Kuma's storyline is so tragic: both are the bastard children of Celestial Dragons on some level. Kuma didn't want to give Bonney his cursed blood, WHEN HE ALWAYS HAS BEEN A CELESTIAL DRAGON. It's so fucking tragic. KUMA IS JUST AS MUCH OF A GOD AS SATURN IS, BUT CHOOSES TO ACT AS A SAINT, THE OG GOAT, SOMETHING HAPPENED AND I'M FUCKING CRYING.

Since Nika was a Celestial Dragon in this case, I'd FULLY expect Luffy's Mom to be a "good" Celestial Dragon like Myosgard who turned after meeting Dragon and falling in love with him. So, Luffy's mom most likely died keeping him from being killed/enslaved for being a half-breed like Bonney/Kuma, and Dragon and Garp hid Luffy afterwards, as if it was known Dragon had a son, the World Government would know it was a Celestial Dragon half-breed, and have Luffy killed.

This explains why Luffy was kept so secret. If Garp was his grandfather, even if Luffy was Dragon's son, Garp could have gotten Luffy into the Marines by pretending he was adopted, as long as Luffy didn't know the truth about his mother, which is why Garp never told him about his mother, which is why Luffy HAS NEVER BROUGHT UP HIS MOTHER ONCE IN THE FUCKING SERIES.

As long as no one knew that Luffy was Dragon's son, Garp could get away with it: "Hey, I found this kid on Foosha Village, who's really strong. I rescued him from Mountain Bandits, and now he's gonna learn under me as a Marine!"


Once Luffy became a Pirate, Garp's whole plan was COMPLETELY fucked, and has been fucked ever since.

This is why Luffy is so fucking terrifying to the World Government.

If the SON OF A CELESTIAL DRAGON is revealed to be the new Pirate King, holy shit, everything is flipped in the world. Their entire social structure would just explode, it's going to be so fucking funny.

Luffy, like Shanks, is the son of a Celestial Dragon, but was raised to be the exact opposite. It's very possible Shanks knew Luffy's mother, then, in this case.

Also I think Big Mom might be the reincarnation of Gaia but that's a WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLE NOTHER BIG OLD MOM AIN'T IT

you know who else is a Big Mom??????