Can you guys
@MarineHQ @SakazOuki etc.. think of a general/character that damaged their own state as much as Hobopa did?
He has no notable wins against any other state, killed 0 GG's because he was too weak, got exiled to Wei where he couldn’t even make the rank of Fire Dragon, then got exiled to Chu and can’t even be a General, so that's 2 out of the 7 states that Hobopa wasn’t worthy of serving and defending as a General, all because this welfare queen couldn’t stop living off the public assistance of enemy states
And when he gets out of Wei/Zhao exile into Chu after costing the tax payers 3 hot meals a day for 14 years he goes and sends a teenager to his death when he begs Kakukai for his rank back

Pedo king didn't do to Zhao what Honopa did to Zhao and Wei.