Is Bleach Better than Kingdom?

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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Wasn't Incest boi being suicidal what you hyped when he dived head first into battles that were impossible to win and emerged victorious?
No? Are you literally retarded?

His goal was to slay Tairoji and he wasn’t going to die until that happened. After he slayed Tairoji, he had nothing left to live for and became a soulless lifeless weapon with no self-preservation instinct. Which was literally the only reason Ouhon killed him lmfao.

Also, losing to Ouhon is an honor, no idea why you idiots act like Ouhon was weak. Unless your favorite is a martial Great General, Ouhon solos them. And even martial Great Generals aren’t safe from Ouhon lol.

Not that it matters when it was literally a 1v1. Earl Bum Shi didn't jump into hordes of soldiers and get slain, he was bested by 4K commander Ouhon in a 1v1.
Because he was suicidal. He didn’t have Kika, and her killer was already dead. He had nothing left to live for and so he didn’t have the instinct to keep himself alive-literally the only reason Ouhon killed him.

It’s like you fucking idiots don’t actually read the manga. If Renpa was suicidal against Mougou, Mougou would’ve one shot Renpa with his very first attack:

Because Renpa wouldn’t have dodged which would’ve resulted in Mougou killing him instantly.

If Hakuki was suicidal, he would get trashed by Ouhon worse than Shi Ei did.

If Ouki was suicidal, Houken would’ve killed him in an instant.

Yall literally pick the most autistic hill to die on, fucking idiots.
Can you guys @MarineHQ @SakazOuki etc.. think of a general/character that damaged their own state as much as Bum Shi did?
he has no notable wins against any other state, killed 3 of their own GG's, got locked up alongside Gaimou and Rei Ou so that's 6 out of the 7 fire dragons that couldn't serve and defend Wei all because this incest loving freak couldn't stop banging his sister.
And when he gets out of prison after costing the tax payers 3 hot meals a day for 14 years he goes and loses to a 4k man commander in his first battle :suresure:
Pedo king didn't do to Zhao what Incest Shi did to Wei.
Can you guys @MarineHQ @SakazOuki etc.. think of a general/character that damaged their own state as much as Bum Shi did?
he has no notable wins against any other state, killed 3 of their own GG's, got locked up alongside Gaimou and Rei Ou so that's 6 out of the 7 fire dragons that couldn't serve and defend Wei all because this incest loving freak couldn't stop banging his sister.
And when he gets out of prison after costing the tax payers 3 hot meals a day for 14 years he goes and loses to a 4k man commander in his first battle :suresure:
Pedo king didn't do to Zhao what Incest Shi did to Wei.
Kaku Kai for sure

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Can you guys @MarineHQ @SakazOuki etc.. think of a general/character that damaged their own state as much as Hobopa did?
He has no notable wins against any other state, killed 0 GG's because he was too weak, got exiled to Wei where he couldn’t even make the rank of Fire Dragon, then got exiled to Chu and can’t even be a General, so that's 2 out of the 7 states that Hobopa wasn’t worthy of serving and defending as a General, all because this welfare queen couldn’t stop living off the public assistance of enemy states
And when he gets out of Wei/Zhao exile and into Chu after costing the those states prestige and tens of thousands of men, he sends a teenager to his death when he begs Kakukai for his rank back :suresure:
Pedo king didn't do to Zhao what Hobopa did to Zhao and Wei.
Can you guys @MarineHQ @SakazOuki etc.. think of a general/character that damaged their own state as much as Hobopa did?
He has no notable wins against any other state, killed 0 GG's because he was too weak, got exiled to Wei where he couldn’t even make the rank of Fire Dragon, then got exiled to Chu and can’t even be a General, so that's 2 out of the 7 states that Hobopa wasn’t worthy of serving and defending as a General, all because this welfare queen couldn’t stop living off the public assistance of enemy states
And when he gets out of Wei/Zhao exile into Chu after costing the tax payers 3 hot meals a day for 14 years he goes and sends a teenager to his death when he begs Kakukai for his rank back :suresure:
Pedo king didn't do to Zhao what Honopa did to Zhao and Wei.
As a Mougou fan I have to admit all of this is true :goyea:
Renpa still top 2 oat though :kata: